
I have radius to draw circle using formulation below:

rhom = 0.262707;
circle = Table[{rhom*Cos[Theta*Degree], rhom*Sin[Theta*Degree]}, {Theta, 1, 360}] // N;

I also have 2 lists of data points:


How to find the intersection point as shown in the figure below?

enter image description here


2 Answers 2

a = Interpolation[A];
b = Interpolation[B];
ptA = {t, a[t]} /. FindRoot[a[t]^2 + t^2 - rhom^2, {t, -.2}];
ptB = {t, b[t]} /. FindRoot[b[t]^2 + t^2 - rhom^2, {t, 0}];
{ptA, ptB}

(* {{-0.261721, 0.0227437}, {0.0231856, -0.261682}} *)

Show[Plot[a[t], {t, -1, -0.1}], Plot[b[t], {t, -1, 1}], 
 Graphics[{Circle[{0, 0}, rhom], PointSize[0.02], Red, 
   Point[{ptA, ptB}]}], PlotRange -> All]

enter image description here


You can solve it in different ways. There is the more basic math way using those conventional FindRoot, NSolve etc. I show here a method using a comparatively newer function in the family named MeshRegion.

  1. Generate a MeshRegion from the points giving you circle, and the lines a and b as 2D geometric boundaries.
  2. Then we take respective intersection between those objects, giving us 2D points that we are seeking.

So code is:

circle = MeshRegion[circle, Line[Range[Length@circle]~Join~{1}]];
{a, b} = MeshRegion[#, Line[Range@Length@#]] & /@ {A, B};
{ptA, ptB} = MeshCoordinates@RegionIntersection[##] & @@@ {{circle , a}, {circle , b}}


You can see the found points graphically.

Show[circle , a, b, Graphics@{Orange, [email protected], Point /@ ptA}, 
 Graphics@{Green, [email protected], Point /@ ptB}, Axes -> True]

enter image description here

Also note that the more number of points you have to discretely represent your geometric objects, the more accurate this solution will be.

  • $\begingroup$ I try use it on Version 10.3 but it does not work as your illustration above. I have error on code {ptA,ptB}=MeshCoordinates@RegionIntersection[##] & @@@ {{circle , a}, {circle , b}}. Please give me advice, @PlatoManiac $\endgroup$
    – SelfA
    Commented Feb 19, 2018 at 3:59
  • $\begingroup$ The function MeshRegion is available from version 11, it will not work in 10.3. The other answer will work on 10.3. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 19, 2018 at 10:21

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