Updated to fix a bug pointed out by DanielLichtblau
The restriction $\frac{j}{\gcd(j, i)}$ is composite means that $j$ must contain at least two prime factors not in $i$. The following function encodes this restriction:
restriction[n_] := With[{fi=FactorInteger[n]},
Total[Ramp[#2-f[#1]]& @@@ fi] >= 2
For example:
Ramp[2 - f[2]] + Ramp[1 - f[3]] >= 2
The above says that the prime factorization of $i$ can have no factor of 2 (and any power of 3), or it can have 1 factor of 2 and no factor of 3. Applying this restriction for each element of $L$, and also specifying that the exponents must be nonnegative yields:
allowed[set_List] := With[{restrict = restriction /@ set},
With[{ff = Cases[restrict, _f, Infinity] //Union},
Reduce[And @@ restrict && And @@ Thread[ff >= 0], ff, Integers]
For example:
allowed[{4, 12, 21}]
f[2] == 0 && f[3] == 0 && f[7] == 0
This says that the exponents of 2, 3 and 7 must be 0, but the remaining exponents are not restricted. So, the set of elements $i$ consists of:
5^a 11^b 13^c 17^d 19^e 23^f
for all nonnegative integers $a, b, c, d, e,$ and $f$. Finally, using:
$$\sum _{a_1=0}^{\infty } \sum _{a_2=0}^{\infty } \cdots \sum _{a_k=0}^{\infty }\frac{1}{p_1^{a_1} p_2^{a_2} \cdots p_k^{a_k}}=\prod _{i=1}^k \frac{1}{1-\frac{1}{p_i}}$$
we obtain:
unrestrictedSum[p_List] := Times @@ (1/(1 - 1/p))
unrestrictedSum[{5, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23}]
Now, the allowed set can sometimes contain a parameter. For example:
(f[2] == 1 && f[3] == 0) || (f[2] == 0 && f[3] == 1) || (f[2] == 0 &&
f[3] == 0) || (C[1] ∈ Integers && C[1] >= 2 && f[2] == 0 &&
f[3] == C[1])
Here is a function that sums up the reciprocal contributions of each Or element:
reciprocalSums[a_Or]:=With[{logical = LogicalExpand[a]},
Total[reciprocalSum /@ List @@ logical]
reciprocalSum[e_]:=Module[{fs = Cases[e, _f, Infinity] //Union, res, cs, n},
res = m /. First @ Solve[Reduce[m == Times @@ Replace[fs, f[n_]:>n^-f[n], {1}] && e, m], m, fs];
cs = Sequence @@ Cases[e, C[i_] >= l_ :> {n[i], l, Infinity}, Infinity];
res /. ConditionalExpression[m_, conds_] :> Sum @@ {m /. C[i_]:>n[i], cs}
For the above example we have:
Or, breaking it down to pieces:
reciprocalSum[f[2] == 1 && f[3] == 0]
reciprocalSum[f[2] == 0 && f[3] == 1]
reciprocalSum[f[2] == 0 && f[3] == 0]
reciprocalSum[C[1] ∈ Integers && C[1] >= 2 && f[2] == 0 && f[3] == C[1]]
Finally, packaging up the above as a function:
restrictedSum[set_, p_] := Module[{a = allowed[set], r, u},
r = Cases[a, f[q_]->q, Infinity]//Union;
u = Complement[Prime[Range[PrimePi[p]]], r];
reciprocalSums[a] unrestrictedSum[u]
Some examples:
restrictedSum[{8}, 23]
restrictedSum[{12}, 23]
restrictedSum[{25}, 23]
restrictedSum[{12 25}, 23]
restrictedSum[{12, 25}, 23]
restrictedSum[{12, 15}, 23]
This function should work for any set $L$. @DanielLichtblau's answer only works when the set $L$ is coprime, and in that case, my answer and his answer agree.
you want to test? The number of subsets grows quite rapidly... Moreover, are you sure that there will be anyi
satisfying your conditions? $\endgroup$:=
is not the way to set a variable (e.g.,p
) in Mathematica. Better usep = Prime[PrimePi[n]]
(have a look at the documentation aboutSetDelayed
and what it does). $\endgroup$n
, but perhaps I'd like to start with 28 (since I've resolved the problem for smallern
). Yes, there will always bei
's; for example, we can always takei=1
since thenj/GCD(1,j) = j
is composite for eachj
. $\endgroup$i
? Otherwise, this going to be a very expensive way to compute many ones. Maybe you should give a detailed example for somen
in the question. This is a task in which one has to invest quite a lot of effort and people won't attack it without knowing that this will lead somewhere... $\endgroup$<= n/2
, anyi
consisting only of primes greater than or equal ton/2
will always work. E.g., ifn=12
, then for any choice ofL
, anyj
has no prime factor larger than 5. So anyi
of the formi=7^a*11^b
will work since theGCD
will always be 1. This furnishes infinitely many values ofi
. For more examples ofi
, it will depend on the setL
. $\endgroup$