
The Wolfram Mathworld has the following statement here:

A derivative identity for expressing higher order modified Bessel functions in terms of $I_0(x)$ is $I_n(x)=T_n(d/(dx))I_0(x)$

However, I'm not sure how to translate that into Mathematica syntax. My simple minded attempts have failed:

BesselI[l, x] /. {l -> 0.5, x -> 0.100}
D[ChebyshevT[l, x], x]*BesselI[0, x] /. {l-> 0.5, x -> 0.100}
ChebyshevT[l, D[BesselI[0, x], x]]*BesselI[0, x] /. {l -> 0.5, x -> 0.100}
ChebyshevT[l, D[BesselI[0, x], x]] /. {l -> 0.5, x -> 0.100}

Apologies for being obtuse if I've missed something obvious


5 Answers 5


You can make use of my DifferentialOperator paclet to do this. Install with:


and load with:


Then (I had to use an image since the partial derivative in the input doesn't translate well to MSE):

enter image description here


Waiting for a more elegant solution, you can try this:

Creates a differential operator from a polynomial in x:

DiffOp[poly_] /; PolynomialQ[poly, x] := Block[{Dop},
  Dop[c_, {ord_}] := c*(D[#, {x, ord - 1}] &);
  Return[Total[MapIndexed[Dop, CoefficientList[poly, x]]]];

For instance:

op = DiffOp[ChebyshevT[4, x]]

FullSimplify[op[BesselI[0, x]]]

BesselI[4, x]

Update: maybe slightly better (and without Return[], see Carl Woll remark):

DiffOp[poly_, x_, f_] /; PolynomialQ[poly, x] := 
 CoefficientList[poly, x].Table[D[f, {x, i}], {i, 0, Exponent[poly, x] }]

For instance:

DiffOp[ChebyshevT[4, x], x, f[x]]

prints: $$ 8 f^{(4)}(x)-8 f''(x)+f(x) $$


FullSimplify[DiffOp[ChebyshevT[4, x], x, BesselI[0,x]]]



  • $\begingroup$ It seems this is peculiar to the ChebyshevT or some such Std function. If I try to use (1/2*x^2*((Sqrt[1 - 1/x^2 + 1])^n + (Sqrt[1 - 1/x^2])^n)) inplace of ChebyshevT, the function is not evaluated. I expect I've forgotten some other MMA fu? $\endgroup$
    – Hedgehog
    Commented Dec 18, 2017 at 12:17
  • $\begingroup$ @Hedgehog to define the differential operator the function expects a polynomial x^n -> d^n. In your example, you have a 1/x^2 term, thus not a polynomial. The function does not accept it due to the /; PolynomialQ[poly, x] test. If you want to manage negative x powers this is certainly possible, but you will get integro-differential operators $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 18, 2017 at 12:27
  • $\begingroup$ If you want to compute ChebT, the formula I have is: 1/2 ((x - I Sqrt[1 - x^2])^n + (x + I Sqrt[1 - x^2])^n) and there is no 1/x^2 term. Do not forget to FullSimplify the expression to let Mathematica recognize a polynomial before calling DiffOp[] (I will be back in one hour, sorry) $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 18, 2017 at 12:34

Assuming the idea is to translate the derivative operator (which must make this Q&A a duplicate, no?), this was what I came up with...

(* assumes op is a polynomial with constant coefficients and the variable in f is x *)
CircleDot[op_, f_] /; PolynomialQ[op, Derivative[1]] && FreeQ[op, x] :=
   With[{c = CoefficientList[op, Derivative[1]]},
    c.NestList[D[#, x] &, f, Length@c - 1]

ChebyshevT[3, Derivative[1]] \[CircleDot] BesselI[0, x] // Expand
(*  BesselI[3, x]  *)

Mathematica graphics

  • $\begingroup$ Interesting: Nested D[#, x] simplifies by Expand, but direct D[#, {x, k}] gives derivatives that do not simplify to the desired form. $\endgroup$
    – Michael E2
    Commented Dec 17, 2017 at 19:46

Operate[] combined with Through[] are suitable for this task:

k = 5; (* example *)
FullSimplify[Through[Operate[Composition[Through, ChebyshevT[k, δ]], BesselI[0, x]]] /.
             {(c_ /; FreeQ[c, δ])[BesselI][0, x] :> c BesselI[0, x],
              (c_. δ^j_.)[BesselI][0, x] :> c Derivative[0, j][BesselI][0, x]}]
   BesselI[5, x]

Like Picaud Vincent, I create a differential operator to represent $T_n(d/(dx))$. Only I do it somewhat differently.

chebDOp[n_] :=
  Module[{rules, opExpr},
    rules = CoefficientRules[ChebyshevT[n, \[FormalU]]];
    opExpr = 
       Plus @@ 
         (#[[2]] D[BesselI[0, \[FormalU]], {\[FormalU], #[[1, 1]]}] & /@ rules);
    Function[\[FormalU], \[FormalV]] /. \[FormalV] -> opExpr]


And @@ Table[FullSimplify[chebDOp[n][x] == BesselI[n, x]], {n, 4}]



  • $\begingroup$ Thanks for the contribution. Your answer gives the same as Picaud, which, ironically is what I wanted. But his seems simpler and possibly more general? in that I can pass in any polynomial and looks like it should work - I acknowledge this is not I requirement of the question. Thanks again. $\endgroup$
    – Hedgehog
    Commented Dec 18, 2017 at 12:20

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