The Wolfram Mathworld has the following statement here:
A derivative identity for expressing higher order modified Bessel functions in terms of $I_0(x)$ is $I_n(x)=T_n(d/(dx))I_0(x)$
However, I'm not sure how to translate that into Mathematica syntax. My simple minded attempts have failed:
BesselI[l, x] /. {l -> 0.5, x -> 0.100}
D[ChebyshevT[l, x], x]*BesselI[0, x] /. {l-> 0.5, x -> 0.100}
ChebyshevT[l, D[BesselI[0, x], x]]*BesselI[0, x] /. {l -> 0.5, x -> 0.100}
ChebyshevT[l, D[BesselI[0, x], x]] /. {l -> 0.5, x -> 0.100}
Apologies for being obtuse if I've missed something obvious