I want to numerically solve $$\cosh\left(\frac{1}{x}\right)-\frac{1}{x^2}\sinh\left(\frac{1}{x}\right)=0.$$
A strange thing is that Wolfram|Alpha it solves it perfectly, but Mathematica I have this:
How can this be possible?
Usually NSolve is preferable for polynomical functions. You can solve your problems in this way:
FindRoot[Cosh[1/x] - Sinh[1/x]/x^2, {x, .1}] (* with startvalue *)
(* {x -> 0.897517} *)
NMinimize[{1, Cosh[1/x] - Sinh[1/x]/x^2 == 0}, x] (* without startvalue *)
(* {1., {x -> 0.897517}} *)
requires some domain restrictions so that there will be finitely many solutions.In[124]:= NSolve[ Cosh[1/x] - Sinh[1/x]/x^2 == 0 && 0 < x < 100, x, Reals] Out[124]= {{x -> 0.897517}}