I had the following inverse laplace transform:
InverseLaplaceTransform[(s + Subscript[k, 2] + Subscript[k, 12])/(
1] (s^2 +
s (Subscript[k, 1] + Subscript[k, 2] + Subscript[k, 12] +
Subscript[k, 21]) + Subscript[k, 1] Subscript[k, 2] +
Subscript[k, 1] Subscript[k, 12] +
Subscript[k, 2] Subscript[k, 21])), s, t]
The solution is:
My goal is to get a compact solution like this:
$$A exp(at) + B exp(bt)$$
Thank you so much for your time.
? $\endgroup$