I have two functions of the two variables "x" and "T".
alpha[x_, T_] := 10 x (1 - x) + 8.314*10^-3 T (x Log[x] + (1 - x) Log[1 - x]) - 2 x
beta [x_, T_] := 20 x (1 - x) + 8.314*10^-3 T (x Log[x] + (1 - x) Log[1 - x]) - 4 (1 - x)
Given T value, the two functions become functions of one variable "x", and we can find the their common tangent line (function of x). I managed to obtain their common tangent line providing the T value is specified (T=600).
sol1 = FindRoot[{(alpha[x1, 600] - beta[y, 600])/(x - y) ==
D[alpha[x, 600], x] == D[beta[y, 600], y] }, {{x, 0.9}, {y, 0.1}}]
(*{x -> 0.918251, y -> 0.0124932}*)
l1[t_] = (1 - t) {x, alpha[x, 600]} + t {y, beta[y, 600]} /. sol1
(* Parametric form {0.918251 (1 - t) + 0.0124932 t, -2.49766 (1 - t) - 4.03834 t} *)
Now, I want to express the tangent line and the touching points in terms of T on the interval (600,800), not just a single value. But FindRoot
function cannot accept equations that contain unknowns. Can anyone give me a hand?