This solution acquires answers for couple hundred first values of $N$ - probably not much further in a reasonable amount of time. Much more efficient - and more explicit - code for finding larger values can be found in a link from OEIS A101877.
This pair of functions computes both $N$ and its companion function which returns a list of new integer solutions (value and contributing integers in sum of fractions) for any $N$. The construct is recursive, always searching only for solutions for sums which haven't been seen for lower values.
ClearAll[n, sn];
n[0] = {0};
n[x_] := n[x] = Union[n[x - 1], sn[x][[All, 1]]];
sn[0] = {{0, {}}};
sn[x_] := sn[x] = With[{r = Array[c, x]},
{a /. #, Flatten@Position[r /. #, 1]} & /@
Solve[Sum[c[i]/i, {i, x}] == a && c[x] == 1 &&
Unequal[a, Sequence @@ n[x - 1]] &&
And @@ (0 <= # <= 1 & /@ r), Append[r, a], Integers]];
Even to reach 5 it can take quite a while, over five hours of CPU time - but this is dramatically more efficient than exhaustive search, still:
{19020.6, {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}
At the same time this call saves solutions for minimum-$N$ integer solutions, for instance:
Grid[DeleteCases[Table[sn[i], {i, 0, 65}], {}][[All, 1]],
Alignment -> Left, Frame -> All]
does not depend one
. So you can useA[n_]:=...
Otherwise it looks good. $\endgroup$Union[Select[Total /@ Subsets[1/Range[6]], IntegerQ]]
(for n=6, for example). $\endgroup$Solve
(and not suffering from exponential memory usage) would be something like this:n0 /. (With[{n = 50}, Solve[{Sum[a[i]/i, {i, n}] == n0, Array[a, n] \[Element] Cuboid[ConstantArray[0, n]]}, {n0}, Integers]] /. ConditionalExpression[v_, ___] :> v) (* {0, 1, 2, 3} *)
... this doesn't solve the exponential time complexity, though. $\endgroup$Solve
and constraints on the problem size based on solutions already found. Going up to the sum corresponding to 6 (at 469) might be infeasible using this method (probably takes at least several days of computing time, possibly a lot more). $\endgroup$