I have the following code to create a Bonne projection of the Earth:
{FaceForm[Red], EdgeForm[White], CountryData["Countries", "SchematicPolygon"]},
GeoRange -> "World",
GeoProjection -> {"Bonne", {"Centering" -> {0, 0}, "ReferenceModel" -> 1, "StandardParallels" -> {85}}},
GeoGridLines -> Automatic,
GeoGridLinesStyle -> Directive[Thin, Red],
GeoBackground -> None
I like the image this creates, except for the fact that the GeoGridLines appear running over the continents. Is there a way to make the GeoGridLines appear behind the land? I'm imagining something like this shirt design: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2292/2165/products/mockup-b1b3f8b5_1024x1024.jpg?v=1504446466