While covered by the comments and another answer, I would like to expand on this a bit. The word "simplify" has very different connotations between what you intend and what Mathematica intends. For Mathematica, it means simply the least complex solution by some measure. This defaults to the number of subexpressions and integer digits, but it can be set to whatever you wish in an attempt to coerce Simplify
to generate a specific form (or avoid others), such as this example from the docs
f[e_] := 100 Count[e, _ChebyshevT, {0, Infinity}] + LeafCount[e]
FullSimplify[ChebyshevT[n, x], ComplexityFunction -> f]
(* Cos[n ArcCos[x]] *)
where ChebyshevT
is being made more expensive than its alternative forms. I would also look at the example for Abs
below that. Using this definition, then, the suggestions of Expand
make sense as it is not simplest (least complex) form.
Your use of the word simplify is very different. In assigning problems to students, we use the word simplify imprecisely, and what we mean is transform it into a specific form which is not necessarily the simplest in form. I think this is where the confusion lies; this is not what Mathematica means, but it may be convinced that it is correct.
Distribute[a * (x + y + z)]
. $\endgroup$"Distribute[(a + b)*(a + b)]"
, why? $\endgroup$Expand[a*(b + c)]
. $\endgroup$Expand
, e.g.PolynomialReduce[a (b + c), 1, c][[1, 1]]
. Take a look here : mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/9111/… $\endgroup$