Consider a Gaussian wave packet coming from the left (for one-dimensional problem) with a positive momentum and encountering a step potential. I would like to evaluate the transmitted scattered wave function.
The expression for the transmitted wave function is evaluating using the following integral(taken from this paper
$Assumptions = k ∈ Reals && ℏ ∈ Reals &&
k0 ∈ Reals && m > 0 && l0 > 0 && t > 0;
A0[l0_, k0_, k_] = ((2 l0^2)/π)^(1/4) (Exp[-l0^2 (k - k0)^2]);
T0[k_, κ_, d_] = (4 k^2 Sqrt[1 - Sign[v0] (k0/k)^2])/(
(k + k Sqrt[1 - Sign[v0] (k0/k)^2])^2;
ψtr[l0_, k0_, v0_,m_, ℏ_, x_, t_] =
1/Sqrt[2 π]
A0[l0, k0, k]*Sqrt[T0[k, v0, k0]]*
Exp[I (k x + Sign[v0] (
2 ArcTan[Sqrt[((k Sqrt[1 - Sign[v0] (k0/k)^2])/k)^
Sign[v0]]] - \[Pi]/2) - (ℏ k^2 t)/(
2 m))], {k, -∞, ∞}]
Is there any way to get a closed form of the integral?
Assuming[l0 > 0 && k0 > 0 && k > 0 && v0 > 0 && m > 0 && \[HBar] > 0, Integrate[ ... ]]
but I think it's unlikely you'll get a closed-form expression. $\endgroup$