I want to construct a bar chart for which the last bar is two bars stacked, while the others are not stacked. My thought had been to create two bar charts and overlay them. The challenge I have is that the two charts do not use the same scale for the vertical axis, as you can see below. How could I construct both charts to have the same scale?
chart1 = BarChart[
Join[Table[{0, 0}, {7}], {{1, 3}}],
ChartLabels -> {Placed[Append[Table["", {7}], "word"], Below], None},
ChartLegends -> {None, {"top", "bottom"}},
ChartLayout -> "Stacked",
ImagePadding -> 10
chart2 = BarChart[
Append[Range[7], 0],
ChartLabels -> Append[Range[7], ""],
ImagePadding -> 10
Overlay[{chart1, chart2}]
Show[chart1, chart2]