The model I am trying to copy is this(not really necessary to look at it):
but my problem is slightly different and I am trying to adapt it. (ignoring the formatting).
I have tried this:
parameters1 := Table[{i, j}, {i, 1.3, 5.3}, {j, {1, 10, 20, 30, 40}}]
parameters2 := MapThread[function @@ # &, {#}] & /@ Transpose[parameters1]
Map[Plot[#, {r, 0, 1.2}, AspectRatio -> 1, ImageSize -> 150,
PlotRange -> {0, 40}] &, parameters2, {2}]
The issue is that when I plot, the incorrect values get mapped. For instance, there is no graph with the values a=5.3 and z=40 that I can see. I believe the first row of graphs is correct but then the latter ones are not.
I think everything up to parameters 2 is correct but the last line is what is where the problem is.
Note: that the function is just an example, for my application I am using something different, but I am still mapping values for two of the parameters and using the third one for the graph.