I'm quite new to Mathematica. I've been looking for the information but couldn't find it. I have several sets of data corresponding to the exposure of photographic paper.
On the first row I have the printing range (contrast) of the paper, and should be the x axis. On the first column I have the Density (darknes of the paper), which is the result (z axis) and in between, the needed exposure needed to get the corresponding density which should be on the y axis. There are more columns but I have only included a few. I've been able to, manually insert the data of one column and get a polynomial fit for the curve. But I would like to import automatically all the data at once and get a 2 variable fit of the data. I know I can do it manually but it will be a lot of work since I have several data sets to include.
This is the code I use to, manually insert the data of each column:
data2 = {{1.02 - 1.48, 0.04}, {1.12 - 1.48, 0.04}, {1.22 - 1.48,
0.04}, {1.42 - 1.48, 0.05}, {1.62 - 1.48, 0.12}, {1.78 - 1.48,
0.27}, {1.98 - 1.48, 0.47},{2.19 - 1.48, 0.70}, {2.35 - 1.48, 1.00}, {2.52 - 1.48, 1.32}, {2.64 - 1.48, 1.60}, {2.77 - 1.48, 1.90}, {2.95 - 1.48, 2.1}, {3.05 - 1.48, 2.11}, {3.15 - 1.48, 2.11}, {3.25 - 1.48, 2.11}, {3.45 - 1.48, 2.11}, {3.65 - 1.48, 2.11}};
Polinomica := Fit[data2, {1, x, x^2, x^3, x^4, x^5, x^6, x^7, x^8, x^9, x^10, x^11, x^12}, x];
I know it's not elegant but I'm in process of learning the syntax. Sorry.