I'm plotting a set of data with a constant uncertainty using ErrorListPlot. I would like to plot the error bars without the little horizontal caps that are on either end, but I'm a bit new to ErrorListPlot and don't know how.
I'm just plotting something simple as follows. 'data' is an array of form
where I am plotting x against y, with constant y uncertainty, sigma = 0.35. Note: the array was constructed elsewhere.
data = errplot4258;
I think I'm meant to do something like
ErrorListPlot[data,ErrorBarFunction -> Function[{coords,errs},Line{{0,0} + coords + errs}]]
But, I don't really get what the 'coords' or 'errs' terms are doing. I can't find any explanation for how to use them to shape the error bars. Any help would be appreciated.
Again, what I'm after is to have vertical error bars with no caps on the end; just the vertical lines!
Thanks, JD,