
I want to plot a function involving the integral

a = 20;
d = 10^(-1);

int[t_]:= NIntegrate[E^(-w/a) Sin[(w-d)t]/(w-d)^2,{w,0,d,∞},Method->"PrincipalValue"]


Ideally the plot should show damped perfect oscillations. But because of the numerical method of integration, the oscillations are not symmetric:


How can I obtain a more precise plot having perfect osccilations?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Your code gives an error message when evaluated. Extra parenthesis. And I do not think I have all the information needed to evaluate it myself either way. In any event, have you tried increasing PlotPoints? $\endgroup$
    – ktm
    Commented Sep 27, 2017 at 20:24
  • $\begingroup$ @user6014 I corrected the code. I did not try that. I thought that the problem is more related to how precise is the integration method rather than the number of points. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 27, 2017 at 20:32
  • $\begingroup$ how did you correct it? It still does not return an output on my machine (11.2 Windows) $\endgroup$
    – ktm
    Commented Sep 27, 2017 at 20:34
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Please, Quit your kernel and run your code before you post it here for other people to try and run. There are still errors, I think you're still missing brackets. People will be much less likely to help if they have to repeatedly jump through hoops just to look at the problem. $\endgroup$
    – ktm
    Commented Sep 27, 2017 at 20:46
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Believe it or not this integral can be done analytically. Sorry I don't have time to work it up right now.(Treat the part around the singularity separately). $\endgroup$
    – george2079
    Commented Sep 27, 2017 at 21:18

2 Answers 2


here is how I did that integral analytically, with a bit of manual manipulation to take care of the principal value:

a = 20;
d = 10^(-1);
With[{t = 100}, 
     NIntegrate[E^(-w/a) Sin[(w - d) t]/(w - d)^2, {w, 0, d, \[Infinity]},
       Method -> "PrincipalValue"]]


There are a bunch of steps to get here, in a nutshell break the integral into three parts {0,d} , {d, 2d} , {2 d,Inf} , do a variable substitution to make the second interval also {0,d} and add the first two integrands together, which eliminates the singularity.

    intinf =
     Integrate[E^(-w/a) Sin[(w - d) t]/(w - d)^2, {w, 2 d, \[Infinity]}, 
        Assumptions -> {t > 0, d > 0, a > 0}] +
        Sin[w t]/w^2 (E^(-(w + d)/a) - E^((w - d)/a) ), {w, 0, d}, 
        Assumptions -> {t > 0, d > 0, a > 0}] // FullSimplify 
    % /. t -> 100 // N

(-2 (I + 20 t) ExpIntegralEi[1/200 - (I t)/10] + 800 E^(1/200) Sin[t/10] - 2 (-I + 20 t) (CoshIntegral[1/200 + (I t)/10] + SinhIntegral[1/200 + (I t)/10]))/(80 E^(1/200))

-1.05077 + 0. I

note I expect this should work as well with a and d symbolic but it will take much longer to evaluate the integral.

Plot[Chop@int, {t, 0, 1000}, PlotRange -> {-3, 6}]

enter image description here


I would turn your integral into an ODE. Here is an inactive form of your integral:

a = 20;
d = 1/10;
integral = Inactive[Integrate][
    Exp[-w/a] Sin[(w-d)t]/(w-d)^2,
    {w, 0, ∞},

Inactive[Integrate][(E^(-w/20) Sin[t (-(1/10) + w)])/(-(1/10) + w)^2, {w, 0, ∞}, GenerateConditions -> False]

Let's take 2 derivatives with respect to t, and activate:

Activate @ D[integral, {t, 2}]

(20 (-20 t Cos[t/10] + Sin[t/10]))/(1 + 400 t^2)

That's enough information to create the differential equation, now we need to come up with initial conditions:

Activate[integral /. t->0]
Activate[D[integral, t] /. t->0]


-((I π + ExpIntegralEi[1/200])/E^(1/200))

We see that the first derivative is complex. However, this is because integral is divergent, and needs regularization to be evaluated. So, it is actually the real part that is needed. Now, we can solve the ODE:

if = NDSolveValue[
    f''[t] == Activate @ D[integral, {t, 2}],
    f[0] == 0,
    f'[0] == Re @ Activate[D[integral, t] /. t->0]
    {t, 0, 1000}

Plotting this solution is fast:

Plot[if[t], {t, 0, 1000}, PlotRange->All]

enter image description here

Let's compare it to plotting your int function:

p1 = Plot[int[t], {t, 0, 100}, PlotRange->All]; //AbsoluteTiming
p2 = Plot[if[t], {t, 0, 100}, PlotRange->All]; //AbsoluteTiming


{19.7421, Null}

{0.054623, Null}

enter image description here

Finally, as @george2079 says, it is possible to find the integral analytically. One method is to use DSolveValue:

    f''[t] == Activate@D[integral, {t, 2}],
    f[0] == 0,
    f'[0] == Re @ Activate[D[integral, t] /. t->0]

Function[{t}, (1/( 200 E^(1/200)))(-200 E^(1/200) t + 200 t Cosh[1/200] + 200 t CosIntegral[I/200] + 5 I CosIntegral[I/200 - t/10] - 100 t CosIntegral[I/200 - t/10] - 5 I CosIntegral[I/200 + t/10] - 100 t CosIntegral[I/200 + t/10] - 200 t ExpIntegralEi[1/200] + 2000 E^(1/200) Sin[t/10] + t Sinc[I/200] + 200 t SinhIntegral[1/200] + 5 SinIntegral[I/200 - t/10] + 100 I t SinIntegral[I/200 - t/10] - 5 SinIntegral[I/200 + t/10] + 100 I t SinIntegral[I/200 + t/10])]


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