I have the following equations after performing the similarity transformation on fluid dynamic equations.
$f'''+ff''-2f'^2-Mf'-G_rg=0\\(1/P_r)g''+g'f-Rg + \delta Exp[g/(1+\epsilon g)]=0 $
I have 5 boundary conditions and my Initial guesses are;
$U[1,0]=1 - Exp[-z];$ and $p*Exp[-z];$ and these initial guesses satisfy my boundary conditions.
My auxillary linear operators are;
$L[1,u_]:= D[u,{z, 3}]-D[u,z];$ and $L[2,u_]:= D[u,{z, 2}]-u;$
After running the BVPh2 package on Mathematica, this is the error I get;
NIntegrate::precw: The precision of the argument function (-0.5 E^(E^(-1. K[2])/(1. +0.5 E^Times[<<2>>]))) is less than WorkingPrecision (25.954589770191006`). >>
I need your help to tell me how to make this work
Note: BVPh2 is a mathematica package that is use to solve ODE with the method of Homotopy Analysis Method (HAM).
(* Modify control parameters in BVPh if necessary *)
(* Define the governing equation *)
TypeEQ = 1;
NumEQ = 2;
f[1,z_,{f_,g_},Lambda_]:=D[f,{z,3}] + D[f,{z,2}]*f - 2*D[f,z]*D[f,z]-M*D[f,z] - Gr*g;
f[2,z_,{f_,g_},Lambda_]:=(1/Pr)*D[g,{z,2}] + D[g,z]*f - Ra*g+del*Exp[g/(1+eps*g)];
(* Define Boundary conditions *)
NumBC = 5;
BC[1,z_,{f_,g_}]:=f/.z -> 0;
BC[2,z_,{f_,g_}]:=(D[f, z]-1)/.z -> 0;
BC[3,z_,{f_,g_}]:=D[f, z]/.z -> infinity;
BC[4,z_,{f_,g_}]:=(g-p)/.z -> 0;
BC[5,z_,{f_,g_}]:=g/.z -> infinity;
(* Define solution interval *)
zRintegral[1] =10;
zRintegral[2] =10;
(* Define initial guess *)
U[1,0]= 1 - Exp[-z];
U[2,0]= p*Exp[-z];
(* Define the auxiliary linear operator *)
L[1,u_]:= D[u,{z, 3}]-D[u,z];
L[2,u_]:= D[u,{z, 2}]-u;
(* Define physical parameters *)
Gr= 1.0; M=1.0; Ra= 1.0; Pr= 0.7; p=1.0; eps=0.5; del=0.5;
(* Print input data *)
(* Get Optimal Co *)
(* Gain 10th-order HAM approximation *)
BVPh[1, 5];
Gr= 1.0; M=1.0; Ra= 1.0; Pr= 0.7; p=1.0; eps=0.5; del=0.5;
byGr= 1; M=1; Ra= 1; Pr= 7/10; p=1; eps=1/2; del=1/2;
. You also might find discussion of a similar problem of use. $\endgroup$