When comparing the output of decoding a base64 encoded string, the Mathematica output and the output of https://www.base64decode.org does not match.
ImportString["hqKtggfNEN7UOZG7rUlnIOsqDW+hstKUZ+3iOlltlDgE9GGZpLlvGAf/IJVUxAcNF3UBPvQa+GjGMeRdEFssng==", {"Base64", "String"}]
MMA Result:
"¢\.07Í\.10ÞÔ9»Ig ë* o¡\.b2Ògíâ:Ym8\.04ôa¤¹o\.18\.07ÿ TÄ\.07\.17u>ô\.1aøhÆ1ä]\.10[,"
When compared to using https://www.base64decode.org
9Ig * oҔg:Ym8ao T u>h1][,
They both are using UTF-8 character encoding.
`In[523]:= $CharacterEncoding`
`Out[523]= "UTF-8"`
Due to this difference, when signing using my HMAC function (see below) the result it not correct. This can be checked here, https://www.freeformatter.com/hmac-generator.html I know that the HMAC function is working correctly as there are many times it has worked in the past on other sites.
In addition, I have created a helper function to "fix" when exporting to base64 as the extra new lines do affect HMAC signing, see this discussion,
fixBase64[string_] := StringTrim[StringReplace[string, {"\n"} -> ""]]
fixBase64[ExportString[hmacF["SHA256", string, APISecret]{"Base64","String"}]]
hmacF[method_, message_, key_] := Module[{keyLen, dkey, opad, ipad, blocksize},blocksize =If[method === "SHA384" || method === "SHA512",128,64]; keyLen = StringLength[key]; dkey = If[keyLen > blocksize, IntegerString[Hash[key, method], 16], StringPadRight[key, blocksize, FromCharacterCode[0]]];{opad, ipad} = FromCharacterCode[BitXor[ToCharacterCode@StringRepeat[FromCharacterCode[FromDigits[#, 16]], blocksize],ToCharacterCode@dkey]] & /@ {"5c", "36"};IntegerString[Hash[StringJoin[opad, ExportString[IntegerDigits[Hash[StringJoin[ipad, message], method], 256],"Binary"]],method],16]]
to avoid all the problems associated with trying to squeeze arbitrary octets through a character encoding. $\endgroup$