I can train NetModel's models with CPU. I'm on Windows 10 with Mathematica 11.2 GPU is GTX1080 with 8G memory.
My datasets is 1000 pictures with 224*224.
I can train some NetModel like Inception V1 Trained on ImageNet Competition Data
with TargetDevice->"GPU"
But I cannot train some NetModel like ResNet-152 Trained on ImageNet Competition Data
with TargetDevice->"GPU"
NetTrain::interr: An internal error occurred. Please contact Wolfram Research.
Since I can train some model with GPU, I think my graphics card driver is OK. Since I can train them with CPU, I think Mathematica implement their layers.
I can use ImageRestyle with TargetDevice->"GPU", if I encounter with the problem An internal error occurred
in training NetModel, then ImageRestyle also gives the same error information unless I Quit or Restart Mathematica.
I can train with GPU:
"Inception V1 Trained on ImageNet Competition Data"
"Wolfram ImageIdentify Net for WL 11.1"
"Yahoo Open NSFW Model V1"
"SqueezeNet V1.1 Trained on ImageNet Competition Data" crashes my kernel like Quit.
Well, some net can be trained with 20/30 pictures, but some can be trained by 1000 pictures....I'm not sure whether this is normal?
Even I use File object, the Out of Core training, it also gives the error information, and has limit number of training set.
? I'm pretty sure the problem is that your GPU is running out of memory, and this is not being reported correctly. $\endgroup$MXNetError [19:32:16] : cudaMalloc failed: out of memory
, I overrate the ability of GTX1080, my datasets is 1000 pictures. But the problem is even I use only 100 pictures, it alslo gives the error... $\endgroup$ResNet-152
with 30 pictures. $\endgroup$BatchSize -> 32
? Does it work now on the full dataset? $\endgroup$