This post contains several code blocks, you can copy them easily with the help of importCode
The following is my implementation for finite Fourier transforms. Here I've also implemented finite Fourier transform, which can be viewed as the counterpart of FourierSeries
ClearAll[finiteFourierSinTransform, finiteFourierCosTransform, finiteFourierTransform,
(#[(h : List | Plus | Equal)[a__], x_, n_] := Function[f, #[f, x, n]] /@ h[a];
#[a_ b_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, n_] /; FreeQ[b, x] :=
b #[a, {x, xmin, xmax}, n]) & /@ {finiteFourierSinTransform,
finiteFourierCosTransform, finiteFourierTransform};
argumentPattern = (#[
Derivative[i___, j_, k___][head_][var1___, x_, var2___], {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, n_] /;
Length@{i} === Length@{var1} && j > 0) &;
With[{f = Derivative[i, j - 1, k][head]},
finiteFourierSinTransform := -((n Pi)/(xmax - xmin)) finiteFourierCosTransform[
f[var1, x, var2], {x, xmin, xmax}, n];
finiteFourierCosTransform := ((n Pi)/(xmax - xmin)) finiteFourierSinTransform[
f[var1, x, var2], {x, xmin, xmax}, n] + (-1)^n f[var1, xmax, var2] -
f[var1, xmin, var2];
finiteFourierTransform := ((2 I n Pi)/(xmax - xmin)) finiteFourierTransform[
f[var1, x, var2], {x, xmin, xmax},
n] + (-1)^-n (f[var1, xmax, var2] - f[var1, xmin, var2]);
(#[f_ /; AtomQ@f || Quiet@Context@Evaluate@Head[f] === "System`", {x_, xmin_, xmax_},
n_] :=
With[{assump = {n ∈ Integers, xmax > xmin, #3},
integral =
Simplify@Integrate[f #2[(index Pi (x - xmin))/(xmax - xmin)], {x, xmin, xmax}]]},
Module[{general =
Assuming[assump, integral@n]},
With[{singularity =
If[IntegerQ@n, {},
Union@Join[If[#2 === Cos, {0}, {}],
Piecewise[{{{}, # === n}}, #] &@(n /.
Solve[Flatten@{assump, Denominator@Together@general == 0}, n])]]},
Piecewise[{integral@#, n == #} & /@ singularity, general]]
]) & @@@ {{finiteFourierSinTransform, Sin, n > 0}, {finiteFourierCosTransform, Cos,
n >= 0}};
f_ /; AtomQ@f || Quiet@Context@Evaluate@Head[f] === "System`", {x_, xmin_, xmax_},
n_] :=
With[{assump = {n ∈ Integers, xmax > xmin},
integral = Function[index,
f E^(-((2 I index π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin))), {x, xmin,
Module[{general =
Assuming[assump, integral@n]},
With[{singularity =
If[IntegerQ@n, {},
Piecewise[{{{}, # === n}}, #] &@(n /.
Solve[Flatten@{assump, Denominator@Together@general == 0}, n])]},
Piecewise[{integral@#, n == #} & /@ singularity, general]]
inverseFiniteFourierSinTransform[f_, n_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}] :=
2/(xmax - xmin) HoldForm@Sum[#, {n, C}] &[f Sin[(n Pi (x - xmin))/(xmax - xmin)]]
inverseFiniteFourierCosTransform[f_, n_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}] :=
1/(xmax - xmin) (f /. n -> 0) + 2/(xmax - xmin) HoldForm@Sum[#, {n, C}] &@
Simplify[f Cos[(n Pi (x - xmin))/(xmax - xmin)], n > 0]
inverseFiniteFourierTransform[f_, n_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, Re] :=
1/(xmax - xmin) ((f E^((2 I n π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin)) /.
n -> 0) + 2 HoldForm@Sum[#, {n, 1, C}] &@
Simplify[f E^((2 I n π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin)) // Re,
n ∈ Integers])
inverseFiniteFourierTransform[f_, n_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}] :=
1/(xmax - xmin) (HoldForm@Sum[#, {n, -C, C}] &@
Simplify[f E^((2 I n π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin)),
n ∈ Integers])
transformToIntegrate[expr_] :=
expr /. (HoldPattern@#[f_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, n_] :>
RuleCondition@(HoldForm@Integrate[#, {\[FormalX], xmin, xmax}] &)[
f #2[(n Pi (x - xmin))/(xmax - xmin)] /.
x -> \[FormalX]] & @@@ {{finiteFourierSinTransform,
Sin}, {finiteFourierCosTransform, Cos}}) /.
HoldPattern@finiteFourierTransform[f_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, n_] :>
RuleCondition@(HoldForm@Integrate[#, {\[FormalX], xmin, xmax}] &)@
Simplify[f E^(-((2 I n π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin))) /.
x -> \[FormalX], n ∈ Integers];
I'm still in v9 so choose HoldForm
rather than Inactivate
to hold the expression.
Here I'll show the usage of these functions by solving the following initial-boundary value problem (IBVP) which, as far as I can tell, can't be handled by DSolve
at the moment:
$$u_{t}=\kappa u_{xx}\,, \ \ \ \ \ 0 \leq x \leq a\,,\ \ t>0$$
$$u(x,0)=f(x)\ \ \text{for}\ 0 \leq x \leq a$$
First, interprete the equation to Mathematica code:
With[{u = u[t, x]}, eq = D[u, t] == k D[u, x, x];
ic = {u == f[x] /. t -> 0};
bc = u == 0 /. {{x -> 0}, {x -> a}};]
Then, use finite Fourier sine transform to eliminate the derivative with respect to $x$. I've used Format
to make the output better looking:
Format@finiteFourierSinTransform[f_, __] := Subscript[\[ScriptCapitalF], s][f]
Format@finiteFourierCosTransform[f_, __] := Subscript[\[ScriptCapitalF], c][f]
finiteFourierSinTransform[{eq, ic}, {x, 0, a}, n]
The transformed system involves u[t, 0]
and u[t, a]
: they're the boundary condition (b.c.) at hand! So, plug them in:
% /. Rule @@@ bc
Now the equation becomes an ordinary differential equation (ODE), which can be solved with DSolve
tset = % /. HoldPattern@finiteFourierSinTransform[f_ /; ! FreeQ[f, u], __] :> f
tsol = DSolve[tset, u[t, x], t][[1, 1, -1]]
Notice I've stripped off finiteFourierSinTransform
before solving
the ODE because DSolve
has difficulty in understanding expression
like finiteFourierSinTransform[u[t, x], {x, 0, a}, n]
. Just remember
that u[t, x]
actually denotes finiteFourierSinTransform[u[t, x], {x, 0, a}, n]
in tset
The last step is to transform back. You can use transformToIntegrate
to make finiteFourierSinTransform
denote as an integration:
sol = inverseFiniteFourierSinTransform[tsol, n, {x, 0, a}] // transformToIntegrate
The following is the resulting graph by taking the first 5 terms of the series and choosing $f(x) = x (1 - x), a = 1, \kappa = 1$:
Plot3D[Block[{C = 5, f = (# (1 - #) &), a = 1, k = 1, HoldForm = Identity,
Sum = Function[{expr, lst}, Total@Table[expr, lst], HoldAll] }, sol] // Evaluate, {t,
0, 1/2}, {x, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> All]
Possible issues
These functions are built on Solve
, Integrate
, etc. so they inherit all their limitations.
The singularity test is simple and crude so it will probably fail in complicated cases.
The transforms are only suitable for certain types of BVP and IBVP. A typical troublesome case is the 5th exercise in Chapter 10 of Lokenath Debnath's book:
$$u_{t}=\kappa u_{xx}\,, \ \ \ \ \ 0 \leq x \leq a\,,\ \ t>0$$
$$u_{x}(a,t)+h u(a,t)=0$$
$$u(x,0)=0\ \ \text{for}\ 0 \leq x \leq a$$
For this exercise Lokenath has given the following hint:
$$\tilde{f}_s(n)=\int_0^a f (x) \sin (\xi_{n}x) \, dx$$
$$f(x)=\mathcal{F}_s^{-1} \{\tilde{f}_s(n)\}=\frac{2}{a}\sum _{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(h^2+\xi_n^2)\tilde{f}_s(n)\sin(x \xi_n)}{h+(h^2+\xi_n^2)}$$
where $\xi_n$ is the root of the equation $\xi \cot(a \xi)+h=0$.
$$u(x,t)=(\frac{2}{a})\sum _{n=1}^{\infty }\frac{\xi_n(h^2+\xi_n^2)}{h+(h^2+\xi_n^2)}\int_0^t f (\xi)\exp[-\kappa \xi_n(t-\xi)]\sin(x \xi_n)\, d\xi$$
The $\tilde{f}_s(n)$ is a general finite Fourier sine transform. (This paper is a possible reference. ) I might implement these transforms someday.
FourierParameters -> {-1, π/a}
, andFourierSinSeries[]
? $\endgroup$FourierCosCoefficient
, andIntegrate
seems to perform better thanFourierCosCoefficient
. $\endgroup$