
Recently I came across finite Fourier transforms, which can be used for solving certain type of boundary value problem (BVP) of linear partial differential equation (PDE) with constant coefficient. The definition of the transforms and their properties are as follows.

Finite Fourier sine transform and its inversion:

$$\mathcal{F}_s \{f (x)\}=\tilde{f}_s(n)=\int_0^a f (x) \sin (\frac{n\pi x}{a}) \, dx$$ $$\mathcal{F}^{-1}_s \{\tilde{f}_s(n)\}=f (x)=\frac{2}{a} \sum _{n=1}^{\infty } \tilde{f}_s(n) \sin (\frac{n \pi x}{a}) $$

Finite Fourier cosine transform and its inversion:

$$\mathcal{F}_c \{f (x)\}=\tilde{f}_c(n)=\int_0^a f (x) \cos (\frac{n\pi x}{a}) \, dx$$ $$\mathcal{F}^{-1}_c \{\tilde{f}_c(n)\}=f (x)=\frac{1}{a}\tilde{f}_c(0)+\frac{2}{a} \sum _{n=1}^{\infty } \tilde{f}_c(n) \cos (\frac{n \pi x}{a}) $$

Their main properties playing role in PDE solving are:

$$\mathcal{F}_s \{f' (x)\}=-(\frac{n \pi}{a})\tilde{f}_c(n)$$ $$\mathcal{F}_c \{f' (x)\}=(\frac{n \pi}{a})\tilde{f}_s(n)+(-1)^{n}f'(a)-f'(0)$$

For more information you can refer to this material or Chapter 10 of this book.

Can we implement these transforms in Mathematica?

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Why not use the setting FourierParameters -> {-1, π/a} in FourierSinCoefficient[], FourierCosCoefficient[], FourierCosSeries[], and FourierSinSeries[]? $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 10:26
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Because these formula is given in Lokenath Debnath's book and I feel that copying them from the book is more comfortable than adjusting FourierCosCoefficient, and Integrate seems to perform better than FourierCosCoefficient. $\endgroup$
    – xzczd
    Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 10:32

1 Answer 1


This post contains several code blocks, you can copy them easily with the help of importCode.

The following is my implementation for finite Fourier transforms. Here I've also implemented finite Fourier transform, which can be viewed as the counterpart of FourierSeries:

ClearAll[finiteFourierSinTransform, finiteFourierCosTransform, finiteFourierTransform, 

(#[(h : List | Plus | Equal)[a__], x_, n_] := Function[f, #[f, x, n]] /@ h[a];
    #[a_ b_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, n_] /; FreeQ[b, x] := 
     b #[a, {x, xmin, xmax}, n]) & /@ {finiteFourierSinTransform, 
   finiteFourierCosTransform, finiteFourierTransform};
argumentPattern = (#[
      Derivative[i___, j_, k___][head_][var1___, x_, var2___], {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, n_] /;
      Length@{i} === Length@{var1} && j > 0) &;
With[{f = Derivative[i, j - 1, k][head]},
    finiteFourierSinTransform := -((n Pi)/(xmax - xmin)) finiteFourierCosTransform[
    f[var1, x, var2], {x, xmin, xmax}, n];
    finiteFourierCosTransform := ((n Pi)/(xmax - xmin)) finiteFourierSinTransform[
     f[var1, x, var2], {x, xmin, xmax}, n] + (-1)^n f[var1, xmax, var2] - 
   f[var1, xmin, var2];
    finiteFourierTransform := ((2 I n Pi)/(xmax - xmin)) finiteFourierTransform[
     f[var1, x, var2], {x, xmin, xmax}, 
     n] + (-1)^-n (f[var1, xmax, var2] - f[var1, xmin, var2]);
 (#[f_ /; AtomQ@f || Quiet@Context@Evaluate@Head[f] === "System`", {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, 
      n_] :=
     With[{assump = {n ∈ Integers, xmax > xmin, #3}, 
       integral = 
         Simplify@Integrate[f #2[(index Pi (x - xmin))/(xmax - xmin)], {x, xmin, xmax}]]},
      Module[{general =
         Assuming[assump, integral@n]}, 
       With[{singularity = 
          If[IntegerQ@n, {}, 
           Union@Join[If[#2 === Cos, {0}, {}], 
             Piecewise[{{{}, # === n}}, #] &@(n /. 
                Solve[Flatten@{assump, Denominator@Together@general == 0}, n])]]},
        Piecewise[{integral@#, n == #} & /@ singularity, general]]
      ]) & @@@ {{finiteFourierSinTransform, Sin, n > 0}, {finiteFourierCosTransform, Cos,
     n >= 0}};
   f_ /; AtomQ@f || Quiet@Context@Evaluate@Head[f] === "System`", {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, 
   n_] :=
  With[{assump = {n ∈ Integers, xmax > xmin}, 
    integral = Function[index, 
        f E^(-((2 I index π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin))), {x, xmin, 
   Module[{general =
      Assuming[assump, integral@n]}, 
    With[{singularity = 
       If[IntegerQ@n, {}, 
        Piecewise[{{{}, # === n}}, #] &@(n /. 
           Solve[Flatten@{assump, Denominator@Together@general == 0}, n])]},
     Piecewise[{integral@#, n == #} & /@ singularity, general]]

inverseFiniteFourierSinTransform[f_, n_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}] := 
 2/(xmax - xmin) HoldForm@Sum[#, {n, C}] &[f Sin[(n Pi (x - xmin))/(xmax - xmin)]]

inverseFiniteFourierCosTransform[f_, n_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}] := 
 1/(xmax - xmin) (f /. n -> 0) + 2/(xmax - xmin) HoldForm@Sum[#, {n, C}] &@
  Simplify[f Cos[(n Pi (x - xmin))/(xmax - xmin)], n > 0]

inverseFiniteFourierTransform[f_, n_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, Re] := 
 1/(xmax - xmin) ((f E^((2 I n π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin)) /. 
        n -> 0) + 2 HoldForm@Sum[#, {n, 1, C}] &@
    Simplify[f E^((2 I n π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin)) // Re, 
     n ∈ Integers])

inverseFiniteFourierTransform[f_, n_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}] := 
 1/(xmax - xmin) (HoldForm@Sum[#, {n, -C, C}] &@
    Simplify[f E^((2 I n π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin)), 
     n ∈ Integers])

transformToIntegrate[expr_] := 
  expr /. (HoldPattern@#[f_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, n_] :> 
        RuleCondition@(HoldForm@Integrate[#, {\[FormalX], xmin, xmax}] &)[
          f #2[(n Pi (x - xmin))/(xmax - xmin)] /. 
           x -> \[FormalX]] & @@@ {{finiteFourierSinTransform, 
        Sin}, {finiteFourierCosTransform, Cos}}) /. 
   HoldPattern@finiteFourierTransform[f_, {x_, xmin_, xmax_}, n_] :> 
    RuleCondition@(HoldForm@Integrate[#, {\[FormalX], xmin, xmax}] &)@
      Simplify[f E^(-((2 I n π (x - xmin - (xmax - xmin)/2))/(xmax - xmin))) /. 
        x -> \[FormalX], n ∈ Integers];

I'm still in v9 so choose HoldForm rather than Inactivate to hold the expression.


Here I'll show the usage of these functions by solving the following initial-boundary value problem (IBVP) which, as far as I can tell, can't be handled by DSolve at the moment:

$$u_{t}=\kappa u_{xx}\,, \ \ \ \ \ 0 \leq x \leq a\,,\ \ t>0$$ $$u(0,t)=0=u(a,t)$$ $$u(x,0)=f(x)\ \ \text{for}\ 0 \leq x \leq a$$

First, interprete the equation to Mathematica code:

With[{u = u[t, x]}, eq = D[u, t] == k D[u, x, x];
 ic = {u == f[x] /. t -> 0};
 bc = u == 0 /. {{x -> 0}, {x -> a}};]

Then, use finite Fourier sine transform to eliminate the derivative with respect to $x$. I've used Format to make the output better looking:

Format@finiteFourierSinTransform[f_, __] := Subscript[\[ScriptCapitalF], s][f]
Format@finiteFourierCosTransform[f_, __] := Subscript[\[ScriptCapitalF], c][f]

finiteFourierSinTransform[{eq, ic}, {x, 0, a}, n]

Mathematica graphics

The transformed system involves u[t, 0] and u[t, a]: they're the boundary condition (b.c.) at hand! So, plug them in:

% /. Rule @@@ bc

Mathematica graphics

Now the equation becomes an ordinary differential equation (ODE), which can be solved with DSolve:

tset = % /. HoldPattern@finiteFourierSinTransform[f_ /; ! FreeQ[f, u], __] :> f
tsol = DSolve[tset, u[t, x], t][[1, 1, -1]]


Notice I've stripped off finiteFourierSinTransform before solving the ODE because DSolve has difficulty in understanding expression like finiteFourierSinTransform[u[t, x], {x, 0, a}, n]. Just remember that u[t, x] actually denotes finiteFourierSinTransform[u[t, x], {x, 0, a}, n] in tset.

The last step is to transform back. You can use transformToIntegrate to make finiteFourierSinTransform denote as an integration:

sol = inverseFiniteFourierSinTransform[tsol, n, {x, 0, a}] // transformToIntegrate

Mathematica graphics

The following is the resulting graph by taking the first 5 terms of the series and choosing $f(x) = x (1 - x), a = 1, \kappa = 1$:

Plot3D[Block[{C = 5, f = (# (1 - #) &), a = 1, k = 1, HoldForm = Identity, 
    Sum = Function[{expr, lst}, Total@Table[expr, lst], HoldAll] }, sol] // Evaluate, {t,
   0, 1/2}, {x, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> All]

Mathematica graphics

Possible issues

  1. These functions are built on Solve, Integrate, etc. so they inherit all their limitations.

  2. The singularity test is simple and crude so it will probably fail in complicated cases.

  3. The transforms are only suitable for certain types of BVP and IBVP. A typical troublesome case is the 5th exercise in Chapter 10 of Lokenath Debnath's book:

$$u_{t}=\kappa u_{xx}\,, \ \ \ \ \ 0 \leq x \leq a\,,\ \ t>0$$ $$u_{x}(0,t)=f(t)$$ $$u_{x}(a,t)+h u(a,t)=0$$ $$u(x,0)=0\ \ \text{for}\ 0 \leq x \leq a$$

For this exercise Lokenath has given the following hint:

Hint: $$\tilde{f}_s(n)=\int_0^a f (x) \sin (\xi_{n}x) \, dx$$ $$f(x)=\mathcal{F}_s^{-1} \{\tilde{f}_s(n)\}=\frac{2}{a}\sum _{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{(h^2+\xi_n^2)\tilde{f}_s(n)\sin(x \xi_n)}{h+(h^2+\xi_n^2)}$$ where $\xi_n$ is the root of the equation $\xi \cot(a \xi)+h=0$. $$u(x,t)=(\frac{2}{a})\sum _{n=1}^{\infty }\frac{\xi_n(h^2+\xi_n^2)}{h+(h^2+\xi_n^2)}\int_0^t f (\xi)\exp[-\kappa \xi_n(t-\xi)]\sin(x \xi_n)\, d\xi$$

The $\tilde{f}_s(n)$ is a general finite Fourier sine transform. (This paper is a possible reference. ) I might implement these transforms someday.

  • $\begingroup$ I tried using this method of Finite fourier transform on a problem I have asked here. You have previously answered another question asked by me (see here) using this tecnique, so I tried to follow the same steps. It would be great if you could have a look (the first link). My apologies if this specific way of request is outside of the SE ethos. $\endgroup$
    – Avrana
    Commented Jul 17, 2020 at 16:07

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