I'm trying to put an inset on top of a graph, the inset is also a graph.
I'm using Inset
within Epilog
and the following command line:
Epilog -> {Inset[coherenceLengthGraph, {12, 0.35}, {Automatic, Top}, 11]}
I've tried many things yet I cannot put the inset above the base graph.
I'm using Show to render two lists of different data on the same graph, after that -and within Show- I use Epilog. I looked at GraphicsColumn but I couldn't see how it allows things that one can do using Inset.
Here's my code
pwaveGraph = Show[graphlistofKPPhaseBoundaries, graphKPBands,
Frame -> {True},
FrameLabel -> {"2μm/\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(\[HBar]\), \
\(2\)]\)", "" }, PlotRange -> {{-2, 18.05}, {-1.05, 1.05}},
FrameTicks -> {Automatic, {-1, 0, 1}},
Epilog -> {Inset[
coherenceLengthGraph, {12, 0.35}, {Automatic, Top}, 11]}];
instead ofInset
? Also, please provide some more information about what you are doing.Epilog
is not an option forGraph
(it works inShow
though) $\endgroup$