I am plotting large figures and the ticks on the X axes (horizontal) are colliding since there are many trailing zeros from numbers like "1000000" and then directly after the number "2000000".
As an example, I using this code:
lhs[x_, y_] := x^2+y^2
rhs[y_] := 1000^2
ticks1 = Table[{Sign[i] Sqrt[Abs[i]], i}, {i, -s1, s1, 150}];
s2 = 1000;
ticks2 = Table[{Sign[i] Sqrt[Abs[i]], i}, {i, -s2, s2, 150}];
ContourPlot[lhs[Sign[x] x^2, Sign[y] y^2] == rhs[Sign[y] y^2],
{x, -a, a}, {y, -a, a}, FrameTicks -> {{ticks1,None},{ticks2,None}}]
Which generates this image:
As you can see, the bottom ticks are all merged together.
Is there a way to make it look a bit nicer, either by rotating by 90 degrees the ticks on the bottom axes so they go "down" instead of "across" or better yet representing the ticks in scientific notation?