I would like to use Mathematica to generate nice-looking equations for my presentation on Google Slides (which as far as I know can only be an image an image). What's the best way? To be more concrete, I want to convert the following two equations to something that I can directly copy from a Mathematica notebook and past to a Google Slide.The first example is an executable expression and the second one is the TraditionalForm
of a string equation (typed using handy Mathematica shortcuts).
Example 1:
Integrate[Sqrt[x], {x, 0, 1}]
Example 2:
TraditionalForm["\!\(\*SqrtBox[\(1 + \*FractionBox[\(x\), \
I am hoping to avoid using third-party websites, taking screenshots, and exporting image files.
followed byMaTeX
in itself can be found in the docs? If not, pleas explain what makes this question different. $\endgroup$Rasterize[HoldForm[Integrate[Sqrt[x], {x, 0, 1}]]//TraditionalForm,ImageSize->300,Background->None]
and paste it into a graphics program like Gimp on Linux, do you see transparent background? You should... $\endgroup$