
I would like to creat a list of matrices from the following rules:

1- All matrices of the list have diagonal equal to zero.

2- The first matrix have 2x2 dimension, startmatrix={{0,1},{0,0}}

3- The next matrix have 3x3 dimensions and the submatrix have same elements of the matrix write in step 2; the other elements are Random Integers [1,3 -1]; 3 = dimension of the matrix in the step;

4- The next matrix have dimension 4x4; repeat the same elements of the step 3 and other elements is Random Integer [1,4-1]; 4= dimension of the matrix in the step;

For instance: look the figure below

enter image description here

I thought in the code below, but it not repeat the elements of previous matrix

nmax = 15 ;(*number of matrices*)
startMatrix = {{0, 1}, {0, 0}} ;(*The matrix begin*)
d = 2;(*Dimension of the first matrix*)
f[i_, j_] := 
 If[i <= d && j <= d, startMatrix[[i, j]], 
  If[j > i, RandomInteger[{1, j - d}], RandomInteger[{1, i - d}]]](*The rule for to create the matrices*)
m1 = Table[
  SparseArray[{{i_, i_} -> 0, {i_, j_} -> f[i, j]}, {n, n}], {n, d, 
   nmax}](*Obtain the list of matrices*)

Table[MatrixForm[m1[[i]]], {i, nmax - 1}] (*Show the matrix form of the all matrices of the list*)

Please, anybody help me?


3 Answers 3


You may use ArrayFlatten and NestList.


nmax = 4;
startMatrix = {{0, 1}, {0, 0}};


m1 =
   With[{rand = RandomInteger[{1, Length[#] + 1}, {2, Length[#]}]},
       {#, Partition[rand[[1]], 1]},
       {{rand[[2]]}, {{0}}}
     ] &
   nmax - 1

MatrixForm /@ m1

Mathematica graphics

This has the added benefit of not generating random variate one at a time which is slower. This quickly becomes noticeable for small nmax.

Hope this helps.

Quick compare

Taking @jjc385 Array[f, {nmax, nmax}] and @KraZug g[mat] with NestList.

    With[{rand = RandomInteger[{1, Length[#] + 1}, {2, Length[#]}]},
        {#, Partition[rand[[1]], 1]},
        {{rand[[2]]}, {{0}}}
      ] &
    num - 1
  Array[f, {#, #}] &,
  NestList[g, {{0, 1}, {0, 0}}, #] &
 Range[3, 20],
 PlotLegends -> {"Edmund", "jjc385", "KraZug"}

Mathematica graphics


Perhaps it would be simpler to generate an nmax by nmax matrix from the start, and replace the initial submatrix.

mat = Table[If[i == j, 0, RandomInteger[{1, Max[i, j]}] ],
   {i, nmax}, {j, nmax}];
mat[[;; d, ;; d]] = startMatrix;

Edit Actually, with OP's function f already created, it's even simpler just to use that:

mat = Array[f, {nmax, nmax}]

Then you could extract the iterative sub-matrices afterward:

Table[mat[[;; i, ;; i]], {i, d, Length@mat}]
MatrixForm /@ %

NestList with an appropriate function for making the next list will work. This looks ugly though, sure it can be improved.

g[mat_] := 
     FlattenAt[{mat, RandomInteger[{1, Length[mat]}, Length[mat]]}, 
      1]], Flatten[{RandomInteger[{1, Length[mat]}, Length[mat]], 
      0}]}, 1]]

NestList[g, {{0, 1}, {0, 0}}, 15]

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