I'm exploring some ideas and I think I'm making some mistakes.
I'm picking up some ideas of the barycentre or center of mass of an area.
I thought of something simple.
y = Sqrt[x + 9]
I made the integral of an equation to find the area under the curve:
Integrate[Sqrt[x + 9], {x, -9, 0}]
Plot[y, {x, -9, 0}, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRange -> {{-9, 0}, {0, 9}},
Filling -> Bottom]
Here I tried to find the value of $x1$ so that the result of the integral is half of the value obtained previously, which was $18$.
N[Solve[Integrate[Sqrt[x + 9], {x, x1, 0}] ==
Integrate[Sqrt[x + 9], {x, -9, 0}]/2, {x1}] /. Rule -> Set]
With this value $x1$ I plotted again to see the result:
Plot[y, {x, x1, 0}, AspectRatio -> 1, PlotRange -> {{-9, 0}, {0, 9}},
Filling -> Bottom]
The value of the barycentre of the area between $-9<x<0$ obtained by other software was:
$x=-3.6002$ and $y=1.1250$
So my $x1$ value should be $x=-3.6002$, but it was not what I got. Has anyone discovered where I made the mistake?