I tried to perform a series expansion in the variable $r$ of the following expression (the following expression is a solution of a differential equation) at $r \rightarrow \infty$.
1/r (-1)^-β (-r^2)^-β (r^2)^((1 + β)/
2) (1 + r^2)^(α/
2) (C[2] Hypergeometric2F1[
1/2 (1 - Sqrt[1 + m^2] + α - β),
1/2 (1 + Sqrt[1 + m^2] + α - β),
1 - β, -r^2] + (-1)^β (-r^2)^β C[
1] Hypergeometric2F1[
1/2 (1 - Sqrt[1 + m^2] + α + β),
1/2 (1 + Sqrt[1 + m^2] + α + β),
1 + β, -r^2]), {r, Infinity, 4}]} /. m^2 -> 3]
However I am getting the following errors
FullSimplify::infd: "Expression Gamma[1/2\ (-1+α-β)+1/2\ (-3-α+β)] simplified to ComplexInfinity."
FullSimplify::infd: "Expression C[2]\ Gamma[1-β]\ Gamma[1/2\ (-1+α-β)+1/2\ (-3-α+β)] simplified to ComplexInfinity."
FullSimplify::infd: "Expression ((-1)^-β\C[2]\Gamma[1-β]\Gamma[1/2(-1+\α-β)+1/2(-3-α+β)])/(Gamma[1/2(-1+α-\β)]\Gamma[1-β+1/2(-3-α+β)]) simplified to \ComplexInfinity. "
and the further output is stopped. So I have two intertwined questions related to this
- How do I get an expansion without any errors in terms of ....
.... in terms of powers of $r$; $\ln(r^2)$ as well as some special functions like the Pochhammer symbols[1] and the digamma function[2] for the above expression. Is it possible to expand the series in such a way that I can get such an expansion, something close to the form as written below?
$\qquad r^{l-1} + ...... + r^{-(l+1)}A(\alpha, \beta, r)[ln(r^2) + B(\alpha, \beta, r)] + ... $
where dots indicate lower powers of $r$, and $A(\alpha, \beta, r)$ is a function of the Pochhammer symbol, and $B(\alpha, \beta, r)$ is a function of the digamma function.
[1] - https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/Pochhammer.html
[2] - https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/PolyGamma.html