I'm new to Mathematica. I have a Plot
that I would like to divide evenly at the y-axis. I can divide evenly at x-axis if I set the min and max range of x
But, how do I do that at the y-axis, and how do I show the midpoint (x,y values) of each graph?
I would like to show part of the graph when for eg: Plot situation at y-axis from 0-0.2
/ 0.2-0.4
/ 0.4-0.6
and so forth...but without changing the plotrange that have been set
Here is the code
k = 155900;
F3 = Plot[
Sqrt[2] √(√(1/m1^2 +
20 Sqrt[3118] (1/m1)^(3/2) Sqrt[1/50] +
3118020 Sqrt[3118] Sqrt[1/m1] (1/50)^(3/2) +
24304810001/50^2 + 623602/(m1 50)) -
10 Sqrt[3118] Sqrt[1/m1] Sqrt[1/50] - k/50)
, {m1, 5, 500}
, PlotRange -> {{0, 500}, {0, 1}}
, AxesLabel -> {m1, SuperStar[E]}
is undefined. $\endgroup$