A sequence of non-negative integers is graphic if it is the degree sequence of some simple graph. Graph realization problem is the decision problem where it is asked whether a given sequence is graphic or not. Graphicness can be tested indirectly using DegreeGraphDistribution
, RandomGraph
, and SimpleGraphQ
, or with the Combinatorica
function GraphicQ
The motivation for a user defined test of graphicness is two-fold: on one hand, with the existing built-ins, there is no direct test afaik, and on the other hand, I don't like loading Combinatorica
because of compatibility issues. I have implemented the test of Erdős–Gallai theorem as it is described in Aigner and Triesch 1994 but I think it might still be possible to improve the code.
The input is a list of nonnegative integers, the output is True if the list is graphic, False otherwise. There are 3 main ingredients: conjugate partition, Durfee square, and Erdős-Gallai condition.
Consider a partition $p=(p_1,p_2,...,p_m)$ of integer $m$, ordered non-increasing. Notice that some $p_i$ might be 0. The conjugate partition is $q=(q_1,q_2,...,q_m)$, where again some elements might be 0 and $q_i$ is the number of non-negative elements of $p-i$.
m = 8; (*integer m*)
p = {4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0}; (*one possible partition*)
q = Table[Count[(p - i), p_ /; p >= 0], {i, m}] (*conjugate partition*)
(*{5, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}*)
Here is my attempt to make a faster, compiled function for this.
(*the joining at the end is to make do with one less call to Total*)
cp3 = Compile[{{list, _Integer, 1}},
Table[Total[UnitStep[Subtract[list, i]]], {i, 1, First[list]}]~
Join~Table[0, {Length[list] - First[list]}]
Durfee square $f(p)$ is the largest "square" in a partition $p$, in other words the largest $i$ for which $p_i\geq i$.
(*one possible way to go about it*)
Last@Pick[Range[m], Thread[p >= Range[m]]]
Here is my attempt to make this as fast as possible.
durfeesquarec = Compile[{{list, _Integer, 1}},
If[list[[i]] < i,
Throw[Subtract[i, 1]]],
{i, Length[list]}]
Finally, the condition for graphicness can be checked using conjugate partition and Durfee square. Provided that $m$ is even, $p$ is graphic iff $\sum_{i=1}^k(q_i-p_i)\geq k$ for $k=1,...,f(p)$.
(*does not check non-negativity*)
graphicQ[list_?VectorQ] := Module[{p = list},
(*sum even?*)
If[OddQ[Total[list]], Return[False]];
(*ordered non-increasing?*)
If[! OrderedQ[Reverse[p]], p = Reverse@Sort@p];
(*finally, test the graphicness*)
And @@ Thread[(Accumulate[(cp3[p] - p)[[;; durfeesquarec[p]]]] >=
graphicQ[_] := False
Test the speed.
(*generate some degree sequences*)
testlist = VertexDegree /@ RandomGraph[{30, 100}, 10000];
(*using preloaded built-ins only*)
SimpleGraphQ@RandomGraph[DegreeGraphDistribution[#]] & /@ testlist //
Tally // AbsoluteTiming
(*{3.76298, {{True, 10000}}}*)
(*using the GraphicQ from Combinatorica*)
Quiet@Block[{$ContextPath}, Needs["Combinatorica`"]];
Combinatorica`GraphicQ /@ testlist // Tally // AbsoluteTiming
(*{8.08287, {{True, 10000}}}*)
graphicQ /@ testlist // Tally // AbsoluteTiming
(*{0.542627, {{True, 10000}}}*)
I'm interested in knowing if the code can still be improved, mostly in terms of speed. In particular, I'm wondering if the call to TotalAll
during the evaluation of cp3
is a sign that compilation wasn't as good as it could have been. If I wanted it to accept also inputs of the form {2.,1.,1.}
, what would be a fast way to check and transform such inputs to lists of integers, e.g., {2,1,1}