I am using ListPointPlot3D for visualizing the difference between two functions. The difference sometimes can be really small on the order of 10^-50 or smaller. There is cut-off where I can not see the plot when I am doing this and that is 10^38 or 10^-38. I am aware of this "How to plot small values" and my $MinMachineNumber is 10^-308. Here is an example of a plot I will get out of from my calculation.
xcoor = Range[1, 2, 1/20];
ycoor = Range[3, 4, 1/30];
coor = Tuples[{xcoor, ycoor}];
vals2 = (x + y /. x -> xcoor) /. y -> ycoor;
vals2 = Transpose[{Flatten[vals2/10^39]}];
points = Partition[Flatten@Thread[{coor, vals2}], 3];
PlotRange -> {{1, 2}, {3, 4}, {Min[vals2], Max[vals2]}}]
I even set the plot range manually but it did not help. Of course, I can always use Log10 scale and avoid this issue but I am wondering why I am seeing this at 10^-38 not 10^-400.
ps: If you change 10^39 to 10^38 you will see the points, at least that is the case for me.
Thank you
Edit 1: I added to PlotRange option just to see if controlling it would help or not. I don't think this is a duplicate problem with plotting small variations because I don't see a plot points from 10^38 to 10^39.