
I'm trying to get the inverse CDF of the Raised Cosine probability distribution function.

It has parameters $\mu$ and $s$, support $x \in [\mu - s, \mu + s]$,

PDF 1/(2 s) (1 + Cos[((x - μ)/s) π])

and CDF 1/2 (1 + (x - μ)/s + 1/π Sin[((x - μ)/s) π])

How can I compute its analytic inverse CDF?

I tried the ProbabilityDistribution[] construct like

RaisedCosineDistribution = ProbabilityDistribution[
  1/(2 s) (1 + Cos[((x - μ)/s) π]), {x, μ - s, μ + 

but then taking CDF[RaisedCosineDistribution] didn't even give me the CDF presented above.

I'm pretty sure I am doing something in the wrong way, but don't know what.


2 Answers 2


As with built-in distributions, you need to include the parameters in the distribution definition, and the constraints on the parameters as Assumptions in the ProbabilityDistribution

RaisedCosineDistribution[μ_, s_] =
    1/(2 s) (1 + Cos[((x - μ)/s) π]), {x, μ - s, μ + s},
    Assumptions -> {Element[μ, Reals], s > 0}] // Simplify;

These Assumptions are then available to other related built-in functions through DistributionParameterAssumptions

DistributionParameterAssumptions[RaisedCosineDistribution[μ, s]]

enter image description here

PDF[RaisedCosineDistribution[μ, s], x]

enter image description here

Verifying that this is equivalent to your input

Assuming[{s > 0 && s + μ > x && s + x > μ}, 
 PDF[RaisedCosineDistribution[μ, s], x] == 
   1/(2 s) (1 + Cos[((x - μ)/s) π]) // Simplify]

(*  True  *)

The Assumptions are used by CDF

CDF[RaisedCosineDistribution[μ, s], x] // Simplify

enter image description here

Verifying that this is equivalent to your expected result

Assuming[{s > 0 && s + μ > x && s + x > μ}, 
 CDF[RaisedCosineDistribution[μ, s], x] == 
   1/2 (1 + (x - μ)/s + 1/π Sin[((x - μ)/s) π]) // Simplify]

(*  True  *)

The InverseCDF is then just used directly for numeric values of {μ, s} -- albeit slowly

Plot[InverseCDF[RaisedCosineDistribution[0, 1/2], q], {q, 0, 1}]

enter image description here


This function might do the job:

invCDF[p_, μ_, s_] := x /. FindRoot[1/2 (1 + (x - μ)/s + 1/π Sin[((x - μ)/s) π]) == p,
  {x, μ}]

So the value associated with the CDF = 0.975 would be

invCDF[0.975, 6, 2]
(* 7.36539 *)

As a check (which one should always do):

1/2 (1 + (x - μ)/s + 1/π Sin[((x - μ)/s) π]) /. {x -> 7.36539, μ -> 6, s -> 2}
(* 0.975 *)
  • $\begingroup$ Thanks, but I would compute the analytic symbolic function, not a numerical result. $\endgroup$
    – plasmacel
    Commented May 9, 2017 at 18:19
  • $\begingroup$ I'd like to see a symbolic function, too. But do you think it exists? $\endgroup$
    – JimB
    Commented May 9, 2017 at 18:20
  • $\begingroup$ Yes, I'm pretty sure about that. I've seen an analytic formula for the inverse CDF of this distribution, but with implicit parameters $\mu = s = 0.5$. So it must exist. $\endgroup$
    – plasmacel
    Commented May 9, 2017 at 18:21
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I'm skeptical about that. The basic equation to be solved for $x$ is $\frac{1}{2} \left(x+\frac{\sin (\pi x)}{\pi }+1\right)=p$. That looks pretty transcendental to me. If you have a reference for that special case, it would be helpful to include that information in your question. $\endgroup$
    – JimB
    Commented May 9, 2017 at 20:52

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