I've plotted two polar curves.
PolarPlot[{3 Sin[t], 1 + Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotRange -> {-1, 3}]
I'd like to shade the region that lies inside the circle but outside of the cardioid. Then I'd like to find the area of the shaded region using Mathematica's Area command.
Is this possible using polar coordinates? Can someone share some suggestions?
Update: Thanks for posting some old questions I asked. Couldn't find them. Here is what I finally came up with:
Clear[r, t]
PolarPlot[{3 Sin[t], 1 + Sin[t]}, {t, 0, 2 π}],
ParametricPlot[{r Cos[t], r Sin[t]}, {t, π/6, 5 π/6}, {r, 1 + Sin[t], 3 Sin[t]}]]
Now, rather than using ImplicitRegion, I used:
Area[{r Cos[t], r Sin[t]}, {t, π/6, 5 π/6}, {r, 1 + Sin[t], 3 Sin[t]}]
Which returns an exact answer of $\pi$. Here is the timing.
Area[{r Cos[t], r Sin[t]}, {t, π/6, 5 π/6}, {r, 1 + Sin[t], 3 Sin[t]}] //
{0.722002, π}