Before doing anything, you have to remove any duplicate $(x,y)$ pairs from your data. Interpolating functions don't like double-valued functions. 10 of your points are like these two:
data[[{3197, 3250}]]
(* {{10.20913`, -0.18115`, -0.15105`, 50.42686`},
{10.20913`, -0.18115`, -0.15105`, 50.42685`}} *)
So just throw out the duplicates via
data = DeleteDuplicatesBy[data, #[[;; 2]] &];
xy = data[[All, ;; 2]];
How can I generate, let's say 100000, random (x,y) initial conditions inside the oval region of the above plot?
You can define the oval region using ConvexHullMesh
, and then use RandomPoint
to generate your points.
xy = data[[All, ;; 2]];
pts = RandomPoint[ConvexHullMesh[xy], 100000];
Graphics[{Point[pts], Red, Point[xy]}]
Assuming that we have generated 100000 (x,y) initial conditions, inside the oval region, how can we exploit the original data in order to interpolate the momenta $p_x$ and $p_y$ of the additional initial conditions?
Now just make your interpolation functions. You need to set the InterpolationOrder
to 1 because the $(x,y)$ points don't lie on a rectangular grid. Check the documentation for Interpolation
to see why you have to rearrange the list structure.
px = Interpolation[{{#1, #2}, #3} & @@@ data,
InterpolationOrder -> 1]
py = Interpolation[{{#1, #2}, #4} & @@@ data,
InterpolationOrder -> 1];
and generate the new data via
newData = {#1, #2, px[##], py[##]} & @@@ pts;
Here is the new data (in blue) along with the old data (in red) for the px variable
Red, PointSize@Medium, Point[data[[All, ;; 3]]],
Blue, PointSize@Small, Point[
newData[[All, ;; 3]]]}]
Edit If you are working in an older version of Mathematica, before there was a ConvexHullMesh
or RandomPoint
, you can still make this work, but the only way I could think was to use rejection sampling to get the new data points.
positionDuplicates[list_] :=
Flatten[Rest /@ GatherBy[Range@Length[list], list[[#]] &]];
data = ReplacePart[data,
Thread[positionDuplicates[data[[All, ;; 2]]] -> Sequence[]]];
xy = data[[All, ;; 2]];
px = Interpolation[{{#1, #2}, #3} & @@@ data, InterpolationOrder -> 1];
py = Interpolation[{{#1, #2}, #4} & @@@ data, InterpolationOrder -> 1];
range = {Min@#, Max@#} & /@ Transpose[xy];
pointsBeta = Transpose[{
RandomReal[First@range, 100000],
RandomReal[Last@range, 100000]
pgon = Polygon[
data[[Graphics`Mesh`ConvexHull[xy], ;; 2]]
pts = Select[pointsBeta, Graphics`Mesh`InPolygonQ[pgon, #] &];
newData = {#1, #2, px[##], py[##]} & @@@ pts;
Red, PointSize@Medium, Point[data[[All, ;; 3]]],
Blue, PointSize@Small, Point[ newData[[All, ;; 3]]]
}, Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}]
should give the same result, but only giving 80,000 points instead of 100,000. Code borrowed and adapted from this answer and this answer.