I am attempting to find numerical solutions to a system of differential equations I found. First off, these are the two relevant functions:
f[t_] := 0.2856366975757554*Cos[3.141592653589793*(0.3295 - 0.0002*Tan[1.560831139643837*Erf[0.2*(-15 + t)]])]^(1/4);
g[t_] := -(111/20) + 6*Sqrt[3]*Sqrt[Cos[3.141592653589793*(0.3295 - 0.0002*Tan[1.560831139643837*Erf[0.2*(-15 + t)]])]];
k = 2*Sqrt[3];
The actual system of differential equations is given by
eqs0 = { (* this is the actual system of ODEs *)
f[t]*Cos[k*h1[t]] - g[t]/k*Sin[k*h1[t]] + h2'[t] == 0,
g[t]/k*Sin[k*h2[t]] + h1'[t] == 0,
h1[t]*h2'[t] - h1'[t]*h2[t] == 0
where I need to find h1[t]
and h2[t]
. From the nature of the problem I safely know that h1[t]!=0
so that I may use the third equation to reduce the total number of equations, which will turn the problem into a system of differential-algebraic equations:
eqs1 = { (* here I used the last equation of eqs0 to reduce the number of equations *)
f[t]*Cos[k*h1[t]] - g[t]/k*Sin[k*h1[t]] + h2[t]/h1[t]*h1'[t] == 0,
g[t]/k*Sin[k*h2[t]] + h1'[t] == 0
The initial conditions for the problem are unfortunately not too clear, but it does definitely make sense to demand h2[0]==0
. Apart from that, I actually know nothing about h2[t]
- it is completely open how this function will look like. There is an initial condition for h1[0]
(and similarly one for h1'[0]
) based on physical thoughts, but I would not consider it too strong - so I came up with two possible initial conditions, given by
initial1 = { (* motivated by the physical problem, yet the condition for h1 is not mandatory *)
h1[0] == ArcTan[k*f[0]/g[0]]/k,
h2[0] == 0
initial2 = { (* another initial condition that might be more compatible with eqs1 *)
h1[0] == First@(h1[0] /. NDSolve[Join[{eqs1, h2[0] == 0}], {h1, h2}, {t, 0, 0}]),
h2[0] == 0
Attempting to run NDSolve
on eqs0
of course leads to a complaint because the system is overdetermined, so I tried on eqs1
sol = NDSolve[Join[{eqs1, initial1}], {h1, h2}, {t, 0, 30}];
NDSolve::pdord: Some of the functions have zero differential order, so the equations will be solved as a system of differential-algebraic equations.
NDSolve::index: The DAE solver failed at t = 0.`. The solver is intended for index 1 DAE systems and structural analysis indicates that the DAE index is 2. The option Method->{"IndexReduction"->Automatic} may be used to reduce the index of the system.
So, as suggested by the second warning, I change the Method
which does also yield the differential-algebraic hint but also a convergence issue:
sol = NDSolve[Join[{eqs1, initial1}], {h1, h2}, {t, 0, 30}, Method -> {"IndexReduction" -> Automatic}];
NDSolve::ndcf: Repeated convergence test failure at t == 0.`; unable to continue.
If I switch to the second set of initial conditions (which I assume to be more compatible with the system), I receive a warning about the initial conditions. However, I am unsure how to specify initial values for the derivatives... If I went with initial1
I could make a guess for h1'[0]
but that's all.
sol = NDSolve[Join[{eqs1, initial2}], {h1, h2}, {t, 0, 30}];
NDSolve::ivres: NDSolve has computed initial values that give a zero residual for the differential-algebraic system, but some components are different from those specified. If you need them to be satisfied, giving initial conditions for all dependent variables and their derivatives is recommended.
As I am by far no expert on solving such kind of equations in general and especially not in Mathematica: How would I need to proceed in order to find solutions for the two functions in question, h1[t]
and h2[t]
h1[t] h2'[t] - h1'[t] h2[t] == 0
(the third equation) it implies thath2[t] == c2 h1[t]
is a constant. So your problem isn't especially hard to tackle with. $\endgroup$D[ h2[t]/h1[t], t]
, since the third equation is equivalent under general circumstances toD[ h2[t]/h1[t], t] == 0
, this implies thath2[t]/h1[t]
does not depend ont
. $\endgroup$