
I want to learn some tips to deal data.
If i want connect two data with Rule.

a = Array[Sqrt, 10]; b = Array[Sin, 10];
Thread[a -> b]

Then i gets.

{1 -> Sin[1], Sqrt[2] -> Sin[2], Sqrt[3] -> Sin[3], 2 -> Sin[4], 
 Sqrt[5] -> Sin[5], Sqrt[6] -> Sin[6], Sqrt[7] -> Sin[7], 
 2 Sqrt[2] -> Sin[8], 3 -> Sin[9], Sqrt[10] -> Sin[10]}

I want to extract the result.That means an inverse function of Thread.

That isFun[Thread[a -> b]]->{a,b}.
I know a solution is a=d[[;;,1]];b=d[[;;,2]].
Is there a better?

  • $\begingroup$ Proposed duplicate: (130093) $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Apr 11, 2017 at 12:24

2 Answers 2


You can use Thread a second time:

a = Array[Sqrt, 10]; b = Array[Sin, 10];
x = Thread[a -> b];

{aa, bb} = List @@ Thread[x, Rule];

aa === a
bb === b


Or a bit more concisely, but perhaps not in the spirit you seek:

{aa, bb} = Thread[List @@@ x];
  • $\begingroup$ I find a strange thing. ``` resource = ResourceObject["MNIST"]; trainingData = ResourceData[resource, "TrainingData"]; fe[image_] := ImageData[image] // Flatten; {a, b} = Thread[List @@@ trainingData ]; trainingData1 = Thread[(fe/@a) -> b] ``` It needs lots of memories and will not stop. $\endgroup$
    – erow
    Apr 2, 2017 at 4:53

You'll get lots of variants. I always use Part like in your example. However one way, different to above, admittedly not an "UnThread" is:

{a, b} = Transpose[x /. Rule -> List]

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