I have my data on an excel file (with five columns and 15 rows) and would like to import the file into mathematica and then: (a). Plot column 1 against column 3 (b). Plot column 1 against column 2, 3, 4 and 5 (multiple curves) However, I would like the legend labels to be picked directly form the column heading (y1, y2, y3, y4). I would appreciate comments and suggestions.
2 Answers
To create an excel file with 5 columns and 15 rows:
headers = ToString /@ {y1, y2, y3, y4, y5};
values = SortBy[RandomInteger[99, {15, 5}], First];
Export["example.xlsx", Join[{headers}, values]];
Import the excel file and take its first part:
importeddata = Import["example.xlsx"][[1]];
ListPlot[importeddata[[2 ;;, {1, 3}]] , Joined -> True,
PlotMarkers -> Automatic, PlotLegends -> LineLegend[importeddata[[1, {3}]]]]
ListPlot[importeddata[[2 ;;, {1, #}]] & /@ {2, 3, 4, 5}, Joined -> True,
PlotMarkers -> Automatic, PlotLegends -> LineLegend[importeddata[[1, {2, 3, 4, 5}]]]]
Or define a function that takes as input a dataset and columns to plot:
lpF[data_, cols_] := ListPlot[data[[2 ;;, {1, #}]] & /@ cols, Joined -> True,
PlotMarkers -> Automatic, PlotLegends -> LineLegend[data[[1, cols]]]];
lpF[importeddata, {2, 3, 5}]
Update: As noted by @rcollyer in the comments, in version 10 and later versions, you can transform your data using
transformF[data_, cols_]:=<|Map[#[[1, 2]]->#[[2 ;;]]&]@ Map[data[[All, {1, #}]] &]@cols|>;
and get the same result without having to use the option PlotLegends
ListPlot[transformF[importeddata, {2,3,5}], Joined->True, PlotMarkers->Automatic]
2$\begingroup$ There are several simplifications that can be had. Don't bother with
, it's the default, usedata[[1, cols]]
directly. Better yet, convert your data to this form<|Map[#[[1, 2]] -> #[[2 ;;]] &]@ Map[data[[All, {1, #}]] &]@cols|>
, then you don't need to specifyPlotLegends
at all. :) $\endgroup$– rcollyerCommented Mar 16, 2017 at 13:38 -
1$\begingroup$ @rcollyer, thank you. In version 9, using
data[[1, cols]]
without theLineLegend
wrapper gives only the markers without the lines in legend. $\endgroup$– kglrCommented Mar 17, 2017 at 8:07 -
1$\begingroup$ In v9, it looks like it isn't picking up the
Joined -> True
which it does in later versions, but you can swap inListLinePlot
and the default legend isLineLegend
. So, the list form would work. Also, if you are using v9, neitherAssociation
s nor the operator form ofMap
are present. So,transformF
won't work unless you have v10. $\endgroup$– rcollyerCommented Mar 17, 2017 at 12:23 -
was formerlyPlotJoined
in earlier versions $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 17, 2017 at 14:33 -
1$\begingroup$ @george2079 in v9, where
was implemented,PlotJoined
is no longer listed among the options forListPlot
nor does it work. Although, it was still listed as a symbol. $\endgroup$– rcollyerCommented Mar 17, 2017 at 19:47
If I understand the question he has an "x" column and a bunch of "y" columns:
make an example:
header = {"x", "sin", "cos"};
x = Range[0, 2 Pi, 1/100];
values = Transpose@{x, Sin[x], Cos[x]};
Export["example.xlsx", Join[{headers}, values]];
Clear[header, x]
read it back:
{header, data} = Through[{First, Rest}@Import["example.xlsx"][[1]]];
{x, y} = Through[{First, Rest}@Transpose[data]];
ListPlot[Transpose[{x, #}] & /@ y, Joined -> True,
PlotLegends -> header[[2 ;;]]]
sometimes its convenient to actually copy the x vals and associate with each y column:
ydata = Transpose[{x, #}] & /@ y;
ynames = header[[2 ;;]];
then you can just do:
ListPlot[ydata, Joined -> True, PlotLegends -> ynames ]
same plot
$\begingroup$ Wao! you guys are excellent. @kglr, george2079 and rcollyer, thank you. $\endgroup$– DeanCommented Mar 17, 2017 at 13:17