With Joined -> True
, ListPlot
's filling is solid by default. But note that the filling and the line have different shades:
Table[{x, Sin[x Pi]}, {x, 0, 1, 0.025}]
, Filling -> Axis
, Joined -> True
, ImageSize -> Small
AFAICT, one cannot get a curve with zero thickness:
ListPlot[ Table[{x, Sin[x Pi]}, {x, 0, 1, 0.025}] , Filling -> Axis , Joined -> True , PlotStyle -> Thickness[0] , ImageSize -> Small ]
Is that really true?
PS: yes, I know that I can muck with the curve's color and/or opacity to simulate a zero-thickness curve in this case. E.g.
ListPlot[ Table[{x, Sin[x Pi]}, {x, 0, 1, 0.025}] , Filling -> Axis , Joined -> True , PlotStyle -> Opacity[0] , ImageSize -> Small ]
But I just want to confirm that, indeed, Mathematica won't let you have a zero-thickness curve.
PlotStyle -> None
) $\endgroup$