This question is a more complex version of Replace values which obey certain criteria and the same principles apply: if you want a fast operation look for vectorized numeric approaches.
Since you want to operate on the first element of each pair separately from the second element we may want to separate those first using Transpose
{t1, t2} = Transpose[t, {2, 3, 1}];
Since we are looking for values in a certain range method from SO 6026827 can apply.
Since performance is the goal I shall use explicit Subtract
; re: (40927)
between = UnitStep[Subtract[#, #2]*Subtract[#3, #]] &;
This function produces a binary (zero or one) result and it is inherently Listable
Therefore our replacement mask can be produced with Times
taking the role of And:
mask = between[t1, 1000, 2000] * between[t2, 3000, 8000]
{{1, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}
The SparseArray
property "AdjacencyLists"
is a fast way to get the positions 1
in each row:
pos = SparseArray[mask]["AdjacencyLists"]
{{1, 2}, {2}, {}}
Revision: an analysis of the first function I posted revealed that ReplacePart
was a performance bottleneck, therefore I am replacing it with a Part
Row by row this can be used for replacement like this:
row = t[[1]];
row[[{1, 2}]] = Red;
{RGBColor[1, 0, 0], RGBColor[1, 0, 0], {2105, 7704}}
As a self-contained function:
f2[t_, new_, {lo1_, hi1_}, {lo2_, hi2_}] :=
Module[{t1, t2, between, mask, pos, row},
{t1, t2} = Transpose[t, {2, 3, 1}];
between = UnitStep[Subtract[#, #2]*Subtract[#3, #]] &;
mask = between[t1, lo1, hi1]*between[t2, lo2, hi2];
pos = SparseArray[mask]["AdjacencyLists"];
MapThread[(row = #; row[[#2]] = new; row) &, {t, pos}]
f2[t, Red, {1000, 2000}, {3000, 8000}]
{{RGBColor[1, 0, 0], RGBColor[1, 0, 0], {2105, 7704}},
{{2413, 8086}, RGBColor[1, 0, 0], {2126, 8312}},
{{3791, 10052}, {9832, 21949}, {10367, 23078}}}
This is quite a bit faster than bobbym's admittedly simpler ReplaceAll
big = RandomInteger[9000, {3000, 3000, 2}];
f2[big, Red, {1000, 2000}, {3000, 8000}]; // RepeatedTiming
{1.745, Null}
big /. {a_ /; 1000 < a < 2000, b_ /; 3000 < b < 8000} -> Red; // RepeatedTiming
{9.03, Null}