I am trying to compute the following:
Assume that $(a, b, c)$ are jointly normal with unknown means $(\mu_a, \mu_b, \mu_c)$ and variance-covariance matrix $\Sigma$.
What is $E[exp(a)|a>0, b>0, c>0]$?
When I input this into Mathematica, it hangs and fails to produce a result. My sense is that this is because I'm not telling it that $\Sigma$ is positive-definite (obviously it can tell that $\Sigma$ is symmetric).
My code is
Expectation[Exp[a] \[Conditioned] {a > 0, b > 0, c > 0},
{a, b, c} \[Distributed]
MultinormalDistribution[{μa, μb, μc},
{{σaa, σab, σac}, {σab, σbb, σbc}, {σac, σbc, σcc}}]]
Following the suggestion of using TruncatedDistribution, I tried running the following:
x \[Distributed]
TruncatedDistribution[{{0, ∞}, {0, ∞}, {0, ∞}},
MultinormalDistribution[{μa, μb, μc},
{{s11, s12, s13}, {s12, s22, s23}, {s13, s23, s33}}]], 1]]