Consider summing more and more factors of binomial coefficients:
Assuming[n ∈ Integers && n > 0, Sum[Binomial[n, i] // FunctionExpand, {i, 1, n}]] // FullSimplify
-1 + 2^n
Assuming[n ∈ Integers && n > 0, Sum[Binomial[n, i] Binomial[n - i, j] // FunctionExpand, {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n - i}]] // FullSimplify
1 - 2^(1 + n) + 3^n
Assuming[n ∈ Integers && n > 0, Sum[Binomial[n, i] Binomial[n - i, j] Binomial[n - i - j, k] //FunctionExpand, {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n - i}, {k, 1, n - i - j}]] // FullSimplify
-1 + 3 2^n - 3^(1 + n) + 4^n
Assuming[n ∈ Integers && n > 0, Sum[Binomial[n, i] Binomial[n - i, j] Binomial[n - i - j, k] Binomial[n - i - j - k, l] // FunctionExpand, {i, 1, n}, {j, 1, n - i}, {k, 1, n - i - j}, {l, 1, n - i - j - k}]] // FullSimplify
1 - 2^(2 + n) + 2 3^(1 + n) - 4^(1 + n) + 5^n
We can see that in each case the result is a sum over integers to the power n
with some coefficients. Now I wonder if there is a way to use Mathematica to get the general expression for an arbitrary number of factors of binomial coefficients? (Continuing the above sequence all the way up to n
factors of binomial coefficients under n