I'm having a strange problem with adding data to a Databin
I have a simple dataset which I've added to directly via Mathematica in a notebook, the first of the 3 rows of the table were added in this way. The 4th row was added via a https call (I have tried via a browser and via the command line with curl). Both methods of https call were successful and the data was added correctly.
RMSD RunDate Timestamp
10.1 20170227 2/2017 5:38 pm
4.1 20170228 2/2017 5:38 pm
8.1 20170301 2/2017 5:38 pm
4.3 20170305 2/2017 5:40 pm
When I try to plot the data, I've tried as a BarChart
showing RMSD over the 4 days and with a DateListPlot
showing RunDate against RMSD, the 4th row isn't shown. The data is clearly there, I can see it in the table and when I examine it in the DataDrop
admin panel, but cannot be plotted.
Here's my DateListPlot
code, where bin is my Databin
(previously defined). The chart only shows 3 points for Feb 27, 28 and Mar 01.
ds = Dataset[bin[All, {"RunDate", "RMSD"}]];
DateListPlot[ds[All, {"RunDate", "RMSD"}]]
Has anyone noticed this before, or any idea why it's happening? I'm completely stumped!
Edit: (more information as requested) I originally created the Databin via the admin panel, and added the first three rows like this:
bin, <|"ID" -> 17,
"SecondID" -> 51, "RMSD" -> 10.1, "Integrate" -> 99.9,
"RunDate" -> "20170227"|>];
The fourth row was added via a http call like this,
It should be pretty easy to duplicate.
Edit: (more information)
If I create the Databin with semantics, everything works fine. So, without semantics data added via https although present isn't able to be charted.