I am still using GeneralizedBarChart,although Mathematica documentation says:
As of Version 7.0, GeneralizedBarChart has been superseded by RectangleChart.
However, I could so far not figure out, how to conveniently get the same output, especially of the x-axis labelling, from RectangleChart or from any other Mathematica function.
GeneralizedBarChart is used by giving for each bar the position, height, and widths:
GeneralizedBarChart[{ {pos1,height1,widths1} ..} ]
For example:
data={{-0.125, 1225, 0.15}, {0.025, 2007, 0.15}, {0.175, 1017,
0.15}, {0.325, 1508, 0.15}, {0.475, 2878, 0.15}, {0.625, 2785,
0.15}, {0.775, 2042, 0.15}, {0.925, 4257, 0.15}, {1.075, 651, 0.15}};
GeneralizedBarChart[data, Frame -> True, Axes -> False]
My question is: How do I get a similar output with a labeled x-axis using RectangleChart, BarChart or any other Mathematica function? The output of Mathematica's Histogram function would be also ok. But as far as I see Histogram needs as input the raw data and does not accept already binned data.
Thank you for your help.