Given the following very simple example:
list1 = {a11, a12, a13, a14, a15};
list2 = {a21, a22, a23, a24, a25};
list3 = {a31, a32, a33, a34, a35};
biglist = {list1, list2, list3};
are the names "list1", "list2", "list3" of the sub-lists "lost" inside the "biglist"? For example, if I need to know only which sub-lists are included in the "biglist" (by name), is this possible? Further, can I get, for example, the second element of all sub-lists, can I use something like
newlista = biglist[[list3, [[2]]]]
instead of newlist = biglist[[3,2]]
This would be useful, for example, in case I don't know the order of the sub-lists inside the "biglist".
are the way to go if 10+. $\endgroup$biglist = <|"list1" -> list1,...|>