I have a variable states
that contains a list of held symbols:
states = Table[Hold@Evaluate@Unique[state], {2}]
(* {Hold[state$817], Hold[state$818]} *)
Initializing the valuse of these variables is not really a problem, I can do it as in
Evaluate@ReleaseHold@states[[1]] = Red
Evaluate@ReleaseHold@states[[2]] = Red
But I didn't manage to find a convenient way to replace the values of these symbols after the first initialization. I tried a variety of things, including the Trott-Strzebonski in-place evaluation technique.
I managed to make this almost work, but I still feel like I'm missing something. If I for example try
states[[1]] /. s_Symbol :> RuleCondition[s = Green;];
the value of the variable is correctly reassigned, but I also get the error
Set::wrsym: Symbol Hold is Protected.
which I'm guessing arises from Hold
itself matching the s_Symbol
But if I try to make Hold
not match with
states[[1]] /. s_Symbol?(Head@# =!= Hold &) :> RuleCondition[s = Green;];
the error does not go away.
What's the preferred way to handle this situation?
Hold[var] /. Hold[s_] :> RuleCondition[s = Green;];
$\endgroup$states[[1]] /. Hold[s_] :> Set[s, Green]
should work. $\endgroup$