I'm trying to compute the probability density of a random variable $\log(X)$, where $X \sim \textrm{Gamma}(k, \Theta)$, in Mathematica 11. One way to do this is by:
F[x_] = PDF[TransformedDistribution[Log[X], X \[Distributed] GammaDistribution[k, \[CapitalTheta]]], x]
The answer corresponds to what I can prove by hand:
$$\frac{\Theta ^{-k} e^{k x-\frac{e^x}{\Theta }}}{\Gamma (k)}$$
According to the documentation, "The exp-gamma distribution is mathematically defined to be the distribution that models Y==log(X) whenever X ~ GammaDistribution". Therefore, it seems I should get the same result with
G[x_] = PDF[ExpGammaDistribution[k, \[CapitalTheta], 0], x]
However, the answer is different:
$$\frac{e^{\frac{k x}{\Theta }-e^{x/\Theta }}}{\Theta \Gamma (k)}$$
This is a different function, which can be seen by plotting:
Plot[{F[x], G[x]} /. {k -> 3, \[CapitalTheta] -> 2}, {x, 0, 5}]
What am I missing?