If I do not go astray, given the function $f : (0,\,4) \to \mathbb{R}$ defined by $f(x) := \frac{2}{x} + \log\sqrt{x}$, it follows that $\begin{aligned} \lim_{y \to 2} \frac{f^{-1}(y)-1}{\log(y-1)}\overset{H}{=} \lim_{y \to 2} \frac{\left(f^{-1}\right)'(y)}{\frac{1}{y-1}} = (2-1)\,\left(f^{-1}\right)'(2) = \frac{1}{f'(1)} = -\frac{2}{3} \end{aligned}$.
On the other hand, writing:
f = 2/# + Log[Sqrt[#]] &;
Limit[(InverseFunction[f][y] - 1)/Log[y - 1], y -> 2]
I get $\infty$, while writing:
f[x_?(0 < # < 4 &)] = 2/# + Log[Sqrt[#]] &;
Limit[(InverseFunction[f][y] - 1)/Log[y - 1], y -> 2]
I do not get any results. What am I doing wrong?
I believe it is appropriate to do some 'clarity.
Given the function $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ defined by $f(x) := \frac{2}{x} + \log\sqrt{x}$, i.e. defining in MMA:
Clear[f]; f[x_] := 2/x + Log[Sqrt[x]]
it is clear that this is not an invertible function and then the following graphs are entirely bogus:
Now, given the function $f : (0,\,4) \to \mathbb{R}$ defined by $f(x) := \frac{2}{x} + \log\sqrt{x}$, i.e. defining in MMA:
Clear[f]; f[x_ /; (0 < x < 4)] := 2/x + Log[Sqrt[x]]
it is clear that this is an invertible function and the following graphics correspond to those predicted by theory:
In particular, by writing:
I get $1.$ and by writing:
I get $-0.666667$ confirming the results calculated above (on that there was no doubt of course, just apply the theory). Unfortunately, though, MMA seems to not be able to calculate the limit and that's why I started this thread.