
Consider the following expression with bad syntax:


enter image description here

How can I detect the error and retrieve the error message programmatically, so I can check for it in unit tests?

  • $\begingroup$ A poor man's equivalent: Testing Framework applications in the FrontEnd area $\endgroup$
    – Kuba
    Commented Feb 11, 2017 at 10:53
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ related: 29086 and related option: HighlightFormattingErrors $\endgroup$
    – Kuba
    Commented Feb 11, 2017 at 10:54
  • $\begingroup$ Lacking a better solution, what I have done is wrapping my test with Hash[] and comparing with the expected value. $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 13, 2017 at 21:00
  • $\begingroup$ @GustavoDelfino Hash only works so far, and is very brittle to innocuous changes to the Graphics structure, e.g. this sort of shift is not uncommon: Graphics[{primitives}, opts] to Graphics[{{primitives}}, opts], and it does nothing to the end state. Other than FE error detection, if you are comparing Graphics objects, the only meaningful comparison is their end states, i.e. you need a parser. $\endgroup$
    – rcollyer
    Commented Feb 24, 2017 at 14:53

1 Answer 1


This has been partially answered before, so here I will highlight some of its evolution since that previous answer. VerificationTest and its MUnit` antecedents do not have a mechanism for introducing new error types, so we need a function to do that for us. For this, I use a function called checkGraphicsRendering (outlined at the end) with the general use being the two argument form, as follows

  {testResult, "RenderingErrors" -> {FEError ...}}

where testFunction operates on the result of expressionToTest generating testResult while simultaneously checking the FrontEnd for any FEErrors (pink boxes). When there are a large number of tests with identical testFunctions, I will usually set

checkGraphicsRendering`$defaultTest = testFunction

so that I can employ the one argument form. Additionally, there are some cases where executing expressionToTest within a notebook is essential, e.g. checking that PlotTheme -> Automatic picks up the stylesheet theme, so there are two options for checkGraphicsRendering: "NotebookEvaluate" which takes boolean values and "NotebookOptions" which are passed to CreateDocument and default to checkGraphicsRendering`$defaultNotebookOptions. So, if you want to have additional options in addition to the default, just use

"NotebookOptions" -> {opts ..., checkGraphicsRendering`$defaultNotebookOptions}

and they will be flattened out internally. Lastly, when dealing with automatically generated tests, I generally alter the output of checkGraphicsRendering to

Hold[expressionToTest] -> {testResult, "RenderingErrors" -> {FEError ...}}

as it allows the user to simply execute what expression the test actually ran.

Here I will discuss the package itself. As mentioned above, there are two user settable constants: $defaultNotebookOptions and $defaultTest which the package checks prior to setting the default, so they are not overridden. Usually, I set the NotebookFileName as you do not need to have a notebook named Untitled-2045 when run from the FE, but it comes with a drawback: the notebook is created on disk. So, I often find FEMessages.nb notebooks scattered all over the place. The most important note, though, is NotebookEvaluate does not work when the FE is not the $ParentLink. So, I workaround this by Blocking $ParentLink when needed.



ClearAll[checkGraphicsRendering, linkedNotebookEvaluate];
SetAttributes[checkGraphicsRendering, HoldAll];

$defaultNotebookOptions = If[ValueQ@$defaultNotebookOptions,
  {Visible -> False, NotebookFileName -> "FEMessages.nb"}

$defaultTest = If[ValueQ@$defaultTest, $defaultTest, Identity];

Options[checkGraphicsRendering] := {"NotebookEvaluate" -> False, 
   "NotebookOptions" :> $defaultNotebookOptions};

linkedNotebookEvaluate[expr_] := 
 If[$Linked && Cases[$FrontEnd, _LinkObject, -1] =!= {$ParentLink}
   Block[{$ParentLink}, NotebookEvaluate[expr, InsertResults->True]]
   NotebookEvaluate[expr, InsertResults->True]

checkGraphicsRendering[test_, expr_, OptionsPattern[]]:=
Block[{nb, res, pinks, evalFlag},
  evalFlag= TrueQ@OptionValue["NotebookEvaluate"];
    nb = CreateDocument[
        ExpressionCell[Defer[expr], "Input"]
        ExpressionCell[res = expr, "Output"]
    ]& @@ Flatten[{OptionValue["NotebookOptions"]}]; 
    res = If[evalFlag, linkedNotebookEvaluate[nb], res];
    SelectionMove[nb, All, Cell];
    pinks = MathLink`CallFrontEnd[FrontEnd`GetErrorsInSelectionPacket[nb]];
  {test@res, "Rendering Errors" -> pinks}

checkGraphicsRendering[expr:Except[_?OptionQ], opts:OptionsPattern[]] := 
  checkGraphicsRendering[$defaultTest, expr, opts]

  • $\begingroup$ Thank you, very useful! Regarding the $ParentLink problem, also very useful. I asked about it here and even WRI people couldn't answer: community.wolfram.com/groups/-/m/t/971065 Perhaps you could post an answer there too. BTW this problem with EvaluateNotebook does not seem to be present in 10.3 and later. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Feb 12, 2017 at 10:46
  • $\begingroup$ @Szabolcs I discovered it quite by accident, trying to run tests within WB. I'll look at it again, but I'm fairly sure it still exists in some form. $\endgroup$
    – rcollyer
    Commented Feb 12, 2017 at 12:55
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ @Szabolcs: NotebookEvaluate when run in a standalone or sub-kernel is fraught with issues. We've run into them internally when creating new testing tools. The FE devs tell us that this is a very tricky problem to solve. $\endgroup$
    – Stefan R
    Commented Mar 10, 2017 at 20:19

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