I sample a snapshot from a system with 50 particles including their position and instant velocities.
The snapshot is a list of 3 position and 3 velocities values per particle. i.e. 50 lines each of which is comprised of $(x,y,z,\dot{x},\dot{y},\dot{z})$ (AKA phase space coordinates).
My data set's layout is similar to the one used in Making a ListVectorPlot3D from data in an external file, hence it is, basically, a velocity field in 3D.
I want to calculate and plot the following properties of the dynamics: curl, div, stream of the fluid in 3D, vorticity.
How can I visualize those attributes of the velocity field in 3D? Something like this in 3D would be great:
I have only a 2D presentation:
In addition I think that calculating and to visualize the Covariance or correlation between the pairwise particles could be interesting too.
data = Import["http://pastebin.com/raw/6Werdnpf"];
vecdata = Partition[#, 3] & /@ DeleteDuplicates[data];
Graphics3D[{ColorData[1][1], Arrowheads[Medium], Arrow[{First@#, Total@#}] & /@ vecdata}]
ListVectorPlot[Map[Most, vecdata, {2}]]