So I wish to solve the following $i$ equations for $\eta_i$
$$p(x)+\rho_i z_i + \frac{(u_id)^2}{2(\eta_{i-1}(x)-\eta_i(x))^2}+\rho_i \eta_i(x) = B_i$$ where we have the following definitions and $x$ varying between 0 and 1.
$p(x) = 1-x \\ B_i = p(0)+2z_i\rho_i + \frac{u_i^2}{2} \\ d = 0.1 \\ z = \{1,0.9,0.8,...,0.1,0 \} \\ \rho = \{0,0.1,0.2,...,0.9,1\} \\ u = \{1,1,1,..,...,1\} \\ \eta_1 = 1$
You will notice $z$ and $\rho$ are very rough approximations to linear lines and $d$ the discretisation is large. I have the following code to solve this system, which is already very slow. I feel I am not writing the most efficient code or making use of Mathematica properly. I wish to decrease the size of $d$ and have a much faster code. I think it is Solve
which is slowing things down.
ρ = Table[0.1 n, {n, 0, 10}]
z = Table[1 - 0.1 n, {n, 0, 10}]
u = Table[1, {n, 0, 10}]
η = Table[y, {n, 0, 10}]
η[[1]] = 1
B = Table[1 + 2 z[[n]] ρ[[n]] + u[[n]]^2/2, {n, 1, 10}]
Do[η[[i]] =
Solve[1 - x + ρ[[i]]*z[[i]] + (d*u[[i]])^2/2(η[[i - 1]] - η[[
i]])^2 + ρ[[i]]*η[[i]] == B[[i]], y], {i, 2, 10}]
Any pointers on how to use Mathematica properly to solve this system quickly?
So I have modified the code so that it now solves quickly for each η[[i]]
, however the problem is now plotting the results, because there is a nested Root
in each η[[i]]
there is an error regarding the equation not being well formed? Anyway the new fast code for calculating the η[[i]]
y /. Normal@
Simplify@Solve[1 - x + ρ[[i]]*z[[i]] + (d*u[[i]])^2/(
2 (η[[i - 1]] - y)^2) + ρ[[i]]*y == B[[i]], y, Reals][[1]]
Then drop the output from this into
Do[η[[i]] =
Root[d^2 u[[i]]^2 + 2 η[[-1 + i]]^2 - 2 x η[[-1 + i]]^2 - 2 B[[i]] η[[-1 + i]]^2 +
2 z[[i]] η[[-1 + i]]^2 ρ[[i]] + (-4 η[[-1 + i]] + 4 x η[[-1 + i]] +
4 B[[i]] η[[-1 + i]] - 4 z[[i]] η[[-1 + i]] ρ[[i]] +
2 η[[-1 + i]]^2 ρ[[i]]) #1 + (2 - 2 x - 2 B[[i]] + 2 z[[i]] ρ[[i]] -
4 η[[-1 + i]] ρ[[i]]) #1^2 + 2 ρ[[i]] #1^3 &, 1], {i, 2, 10}];
For some reason it doesn't run if you the y/.Normal
line within the Do
loop. Doesn't work for a Table
either. Anyway, if you then try and plot this it runs forever, but just plotting the first 3 gives what looks to be the correct result, however it does come with a "not well formed polynomial" error.
Plot[{η[[1]], η[[2]], η[[3]]}, {x, 0, 1}]
, whileEta[[2]]
is unknown. $\endgroup$\Eta[[i]]
to the solution iteratively $\endgroup$\[Eta][[2]]
... If you notice\Eta[[2]] == y