cnt = 1000;
rs = 1;
r1 = Count[
Max /@ Partition[RandomVariate[PascalDistribution[1, .02], ss*cnt], ss],
x_ /; x >= 198]/cnt;
r2 = Count[Max /@ RandomVariate[PascalDistribution[1, .02], {cnt, ss}],
x_ /; x >= 198]/cnt;
r3 = Count[Max /@ Table[RandomVariate[PascalDistribution[1, .02], ss], cnt],
x_ /; x >= 198]/cnt;
{r1, r2, r3}, {ss, {10, 62, 63, 100}}]
{{89/500, 89/500, 181/1000}, {137/200, 137/200, 89/125}, {139/200, 139/200, 139/200}, {843/1000, 843/1000, 843/1000}}
Each of the sets of results should have the same results within.
For this use case, it appears that samples <=62 at a time has issues (deeper testing seems to indicate a slight skew right, that is, more large variates than expected).
I suspect this may be another case of algorithm switching based on sample size (perhaps in combination with other parameters).
I'm working around it via the first two methods: array sampling or partition larger samples.
Edit: FML, I knew this seemed familiar: I ran into problem a while ago, addressed in question here, have voted to mark as duplicate.