Three ways.
Method 1.
Clear[k, m, x, c1, c2, c3, sum, max]
Define the constraints:
c1 = x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4] == m;
c2 = x[1] + 2 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 4 x[4] == k^2;
c3 = x[1] + x[3] <= k;
Define the sum to be maximized:
sum = Sum[(i - k^2/m)^2 x[i], {i, 1, 4}]
Define a function that attempts to maximize the sum
for given m, k
max[k_, m_] :=
Evaluate @ Maximize[{sum, c1, c2, c3, x[1] >= 0, x[2] >= 0, x[3] >= 0, x[4] >= 0},
{x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]}, Integers]
Quiet @ max[6, 10]
{42/5, {x[1] -> 1, x[2] -> 0, x[3] -> 1, x[4] -> 8}}
Quiet @ max[7, 10]
{-∞, {x[1] -> Indeterminate, x[2] -> Indeterminate,
x[3] -> Indeterminate, x[4] -> Indeterminate}}
is used because in the second case there are no instances that fulfill the conditions, so there's a bunch of warnings.
Method 2.
Clear[k, m, x, c1, c2, c3, sum, con]
Put the constraints into Solve
con[k_, m_] :=
Solve[{x[1] + x[2] + x[3] + x[4] == m,
x[1] + 2 x[2] + 3 x[3] + 4 x[4] == k^2, x[1] + x[3] <= k,
x[1] >= 0, x[2] >= 0, x[3] >= 0, x[4] >= 0}, {x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]}, Integers]
con[6, 10]
{{x[1] -> 0, x[2] -> 0, x[3] -> 4, x[4] -> 6}, {x[1] -> 0, x[2] -> 1,
x[3] -> 2, x[4] -> 7}, {x[1] -> 0, x[2] -> 2, x[3] -> 0,
x[4] -> 8}, {x[1] -> 1, x[2] -> 0, x[3] -> 1, x[4] -> 8}}
Define the sum as a function:
sum[k_, m_] := Sum[(i - k^2/m)^2 x[i], {i, 1, 4}]
sum[6, 10] /. con[6, 10]
{12/5, 22/5, 32/5, 42/5}
The last number, 42/5
, is the greatest and corresponds to {x[1] -> 1, x[2] -> 0, x[3] -> 1, x[4] -> 8}
- the same as in the previous method.
This can be wrapped into
MaximalBy[Transpose@{sum[6, 10] /. con[6, 10], con[6, 10]}, First]
{{42/5, {x[1] -> 1, x[2] -> 0, x[3] -> 1, x[4] -> 8}}}
which can be given a name
max2[k_, m_] := MaximalBy[Transpose@{sum[k, m] /. con[k, m], con[k, m]}, First]
Both methods work for k = 8
and m = 26
, giving 552/13
for {x[1] -> 8, x[2] -> 8, x[3] -> 0, x[4] -> 10}
Method 3.
As showed by J. M. in the comment, LinearProgramming
can be employed as as follows:
max3[k_, m_] :=
LinearProgramming[-Table[(m i - k^2)^2, {i, 4}], {{1, 1, 1, 1}, {1,
2, 3, 4}, {1, 0, 1, 0}}, {{m, 0}, {k^2, 0}, {k, -1}},
Table[0, {4}], Integers]
max3[8, 26]
{8, 8, 0, 10}
with a warning:
LinearProgramming::lpip: Warning: integer linear programming will use a machine-precision approximation of the inputs.
? $\endgroup$