
The task is to compute

symmSum[{a, b, c, d, e, f}]

(*==> {a+f, b+e, c+d} *)

symmSum[{a, b, c, d, e}]

(*==> {a+e, b+d, c} *)

My clumsy solution is

symmSum[l_List] := Block[{n = Length@l, res},
   res = Last@Last@Reap@Do[Sow[l[[i]] + l[[-i]]], {i, Ceiling[n/2]}];
   If[OddQ@n, res[[-1]] /= 2];

I feel that this can be done without using Length, but how?

  • $\begingroup$ See my update for a Length-less solution. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Feb 4, 2012 at 21:34
  • $\begingroup$ Thank you all guys, it was fascinating! $\endgroup$
    – faleichik
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 7:36

14 Answers 14


Playing with patterns:

{a, b, c, d, e} //. {h_, b___, t : Except[_List]} :> {h + t, {b}} // Flatten

This can be written more efficiently, without the full rescanning inherent in //., using recursion:

f1 = # /. {h_, b___, t_} :> Prepend[f1 @ {b}, h + t] &;

Also as a DownValues definition which is a bit more efficient still:

f2[{h_, b___, t_}] := Prepend[f2 @ {b}, h + t]
f2[x_] := x

f2 @ {a, b, c, d, e}
f2 @ {a, b, c, d, e, f}
{a + e, b + d, c}
{a + f, b + e, c + d}

Disregarding elegance, this is the fastest method I could come up with for packed arrays:

Module[{ln = Length@#, x},
  x  = #[[ ;; ⌈ln/2`⌉ ]];
  x += #[[ -1 ;; ⌊ln/2`⌋ + 1 ;; -1 ]];
  If[OddQ @ ln, x[[-1]] /= 2 ];
] &

I imagine it can be bested by compile-to-C in v8, but I don't have that.

  • $\begingroup$ @Szabolcs Thanks! I like your iter better. I use that structure fairly often myself, and it always feels powerful (a little code goes a long way). $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Feb 4, 2012 at 23:12
  • $\begingroup$ the first method is very impressive $\endgroup$
    – acl
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 0:01
  • $\begingroup$ @Szabolcs I added an improved method to my answer that I like best of all now. I fear it may encroach upon your answer, however it is in essence my original method written recursively. $\endgroup$
    – Mr.Wizard
    Commented Apr 25, 2014 at 4:11

This is a simple though somewhat wasteful solution:

symmSum[l_List] := Take[l + Reverse[l], Ceiling[Length[l]/2]]

It will give you the middle element twice, not once. Is it important that you only get c (and not 2c) when applying this function to {a,b,c,d,e}? That's easy to do (avoiding computing elements twice is also easy), but will make the function slightly longer. These solutions all use Length though.

Here's a pattern-based solution which avoids Length:

iter[{result___}, {s_, mid___, e_}] := iter[{result, e + s}, {mid}]
iter[{result___}, {}] := {result}
iter[{result___}, {mid_}] := {result, mid}

symmSum[l_List] := iter[{}, l]

You may want to modify this as

symmSum[l_List] := Block[{$IterationLimit = Infinity}, iter[{}, l]]

to make it work for arbitrarily long lists.


What's wrong with Length? It's a very efficient function to callculate (since lists are vectors internally, i.e. arrays of fixed size, whose length is precisely known to the program at all times).

symSum = Module[{result, length = Length[#]},
        result = (# + Reverse@#) [[1 ;; Ceiling[length/2]]];
        If[OddQ[length], result[[-1]] /= 2];
    ] &;

symSum@{a, b, c, d, e, f}
symSum@{a, b, c, d, e}
{a + f, b + e, c + d}
{a + e, b + d, c}
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Nothing wrong, just a wish for perfection :-) $\endgroup$
    – faleichik
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 7:35

Here's an approach using a specially constructed (sparse) matrix:

symmSum[list_] := With[{n = Length[list]},
        {Band[{1, 1}] -> 1, Band[{1, -1}, Automatic, {1, -1}] -> 1}, 
        {n, n}

Test cases:

symmSum[{a, b, c, d, e, f}]

==> {a + f, b + e, c + d}

symmSum[{a, b, c, d, e}]

==> {a + e, b + d, c}

With the conscious decision to eschew elegance for reliability, I present

symSum[li_List] := Module[{k2 = Ceiling[Length[li]/2]}, 
    If[Apply[Equal, Length /@ #], #, 
       MapAt[Function[l, PadLeft[l, k2]], #, {2}]] &[
     Partition[li, k2, k2, {1, 1}, {}]], {2}]]]

or more compactly,

symSum[li_List] := Module[{k2 = Ceiling[Length[li]/2]}, 
    PadLeft[Partition[li, k2, k2, {1, 1}, {}], {2, k2}], {2}]]]


list = {a, b, c, d, e, f};

{a + f, b + e, c + d}

{a + e, b + d, c}

Yet another variation:

symSum[li_List] := Module[{k = Length[li], k2},
  k2 = Ceiling[k/2]; 
    Composition[Reverse, If[EvenQ[k], Identity, RotateRight]], 
    Internal`Deflatten[PadRight[li, 2 k2], {2, k2}], {2}]]]

and we can keep on putting out variations until we're all blue in the face:

symSum[li_List] := Module[{k = Length[li], k2},
  k2 = Ceiling[k/2];
           Take[li, {#, # Quotient[k, 2], #}] & /@ {1, -1}], k2, test[[k2]]]]
  • $\begingroup$ baroque! +1 though $\endgroup$
    – acl
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 0:06
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ @acl if it ain't baroque, don't fix it! (I so rarely get to use that pun, and I'd apologize for it, if I felt any remorse whatsoever.) $\endgroup$
    – rcollyer
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 3:16

Recursive solution

fr[l_] := Which[
  l == {}, Sequence[{}],
  Drop[l, 1] == {}, l,
  True, {First[l] + Last[l], Sequence @@ fr[Take[l, {2, -2}]]}


fr[{a, b, c, d, e}]
fr[{a, b, c, d, e, f}]
{a + e, b + d, c}
{a + f, b + e, c + d}

For longer lists, one would need to increase the recursion limit like so

Block[{$RecursionLimit = \[Infinity]}, 
 fr[RandomInteger[{-5, 5}, 1000]]]
(*lots of stuff*)

Previous solutions

For lists of even length,

(#[[1 ;; -1 ;; 2]] + Reverse@#[[2 ;; -1 ;; 2]]) &

does what you want. For odd lengths, I don't see how to avoid Length.

length without Length

length[lst_] :=
  i = 1;
  NestWhile[(i += 1; Rest@#) &, lst, Rest[#] \[NotEqual] {u} &];

a bit silly though.

Locating the centre of a list

Here is how to find the central position of an odd-length list (returns $Failed for even-length lists):

findMiddle[lst_] := If[
    # == {},
    First@First@#] &@Position[
      {l, Reverse@l}
     ]@MapIndexed[First@#2 &, lst],

(please note this is not serious, so do not point out inefficiencies!).

  • $\begingroup$ ...asuming the odd list doesn't have any symmetrical elements other than the middle one. The one for even lists doesn't work, try it for a list of more than 4 elements $\endgroup$
    – Rojo
    Commented Feb 4, 2012 at 22:24
  • $\begingroup$ @rojo oops true! the first seems to work.. $\endgroup$
    – acl
    Commented Feb 4, 2012 at 22:39
  • $\begingroup$ I run the first with {a, b, c, d, e, f} as input and get {a+f, c+d, b+e} instead of {a+f, b+e, c+d} $\endgroup$
    – Rojo
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 7:11
  • $\begingroup$ @Rojo I see, I had not interpreted the question this way (ie that the order is important) $\endgroup$
    – acl
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 10:49

What about

sumSym = Block[{$RecursionLimit = Infinity},
       If[Length[#1] <= 
           1, #1, {Total[#1[[{1, -1}]]], #0[#1[[2 ;; -2]]]}] &[#]] &[#]
    ] &;

or cuter but slower, avoiding nesting 3 functions and the flatten

Block[{$RecursionLimit = Infinity}, 
  If[Length[#1] <= 1, #1, {Total[#1[[{1, -1}]]], 
    Sequence @@ #0[#1[[2 ;; -2]]]}]] &

An incredibly slow solution that uses Length (hehe, what am I posting this for) could be

ReplaceList[r, {{i___, b_, ___, e_, j___} /; 
    Length[{i}] == Length[{j}] :> b + e,
  {i___, m_, j___} /; Length[{i}] == Length[{j}] :> m}]

Yet another possible solution:

    result = x[[Range[len]]] + x[[-Range[len]]];


==> {a + f, b + e, c + d}

==> {a + e, b + d, c}
  • $\begingroup$ Better to write extra = OddQ[Length[x]], no? $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 12:27
  • $\begingroup$ I just recently learned that the *Q functions are not the right choice if you want to check mathematical properties (see mathematica.stackexchange.com/q/601/129). $\endgroup$
    – celtschk
    Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 12:38
  • $\begingroup$ That's for symbolic evaluation. Here, you can almost always expect Length[x] to return some integer that OddQ[] certainly won't choke on... $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 5, 2012 at 12:46

Using ListConvolve:

ClearAll[partsF, lcF]
partsF = Module[{fl = Floor[Length[#]/2], cl = Ceiling[Length[#]/2]}, {#[[1 + fl ;;]], 
     PadRight[#[[;; fl]], cl]}] &;
lcF = First@ListConvolve[## & @@ partsF@#, {-1, 1}, {}, Plus, List] &;


lcF[{a, b, c, d, e, f}]

{a + f, b + e, c + d}

lcF[{a, b, c, d, e}]

{a + e, b + d, c}

Without using Length:

lcF2 = First@ListConvolve[#, #, {-1, 1}, {}, Plus, 
     Composition[Last /@ # /. Times -> (#2 &) &, Gather, List]] &;

lcF2[{a, b, c, d, e, f}]

{a + f, b + e, c + d}

lcF2[{a, b, c, d, e}]

{a + e, b + d, c}


Using TakeList:


edgeSum[k_List] := Module[{n = Length@k},
   alt = Array[(-1)^(# + 1) &, n];
  Sequence @@@ TakeList[k, alt] //
    Partition[#, UpTo[2]] & //

edgeSum /@ {{a}, {a, b}, {a, b, c}, {a, b, c, d}, {a, b, c, d, e}, {a,
    b, c, d, e, f}}


After studying @kglr's recent answer:

h = Total@
    MapThread[#1[#2] &, {
      {Identity, Reverse}
      , PadLeft@
       TakeList[#, {Ceiling@(Length@#/2), -Floor@(Length@#/2)}]
     ] &;
h /@ {{a}, {a, b}, {a, b, c}, {a, b, c, d}, {a, b, c, d, e}, {a, b, c,
    d, e, f}}


{{a}, {a + b}, {a + c, b}, {a + d, b + c}, {a + e, b + d, c}, {a + f, b + e, c + d}}

foo[dt_] :=
   With[{le = Length @ dt}, 
     Plus @@@ 
         Append[If[OddQ @ le, {-Ceiling[le/2]}, Nothing]] @
           Thread[{#, -#}] &[Range[le/2]]]]

foo /@ {{a}, {a, b}, {a, b, c}, {a, b, c, d}, {a, b, c, d, e}, {a, b, c, d, e, f}}

{{a}, {a + b}, {a + c, b}, {a + d, b + c}, {a + e, b + d, c}, {a + f, b + e, c + d}}

symTotal = Total@PadRight@{#, Reverse@#2}&@@TakeDrop[#, Ceiling[Length[#]/2]]&;


symTotal @ {a, b, c, d, e}
{a + e, b + d, c}
symTotal @ {a, b, c, d, e, f}
{a + f, b + e, c + d}

Taking advantage of the fact that Flatten may be used to transpose a 'ragged' array:



(* {
   } *) 

To get the sum:


(* {
   } *) 

Just for fun:


\begin{array}{ccccccccccccc} \text{a} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{b} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{c} & \text{b} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{d} & \text{b}+\text{c} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{e} & \text{b}+\text{d} & \text{c} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{f} & \text{b}+\text{e} & \text{c}+\text{d} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{g} & \text{b}+\text{f} & \text{c}+\text{e} & \text{d} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{h} & \text{b}+\text{g} & \text{c}+\text{f} & \text{d}+\text{e} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{i} & \text{b}+\text{h} & \text{c}+\text{g} & \text{d}+\text{f} & \text{e} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{j} & \text{b}+\text{i} & \text{c}+\text{h} & \text{d}+\text{g} & \text{e}+\text{f} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{k} & \text{b}+\text{j} & \text{c}+\text{i} & \text{d}+\text{h} & \text{e}+\text{g} & \text{f} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{l} & \text{b}+\text{k} & \text{c}+\text{j} & \text{d}+\text{i} & \text{e}+\text{h} & \text{f}+\text{g} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{m} & \text{b}+\text{l} & \text{c}+\text{k} & \text{d}+\text{j} & \text{e}+\text{i} & \text{f}+\text{h} & \text{g} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{n} & \text{b}+\text{m} & \text{c}+\text{l} & \text{d}+\text{k} & \text{e}+\text{j} & \text{f}+\text{i} & \text{g}+\text{h} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{o} & \text{b}+\text{n} & \text{c}+\text{m} & \text{d}+\text{l} & \text{e}+\text{k} & \text{f}+\text{j} & \text{g}+\text{i} & \text{h} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{p} & \text{b}+\text{o} & \text{c}+\text{n} & \text{d}+\text{m} & \text{e}+\text{l} & \text{f}+\text{k} & \text{g}+\text{j} & \text{h}+\text{i} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{q} & \text{b}+\text{p} & \text{c}+\text{o} & \text{d}+\text{n} & \text{e}+\text{m} & \text{f}+\text{l} & \text{g}+\text{k} & \text{h}+\text{j} & \text{i} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{r} & \text{b}+\text{q} & \text{c}+\text{p} & \text{d}+\text{o} & \text{e}+\text{n} & \text{f}+\text{m} & \text{g}+\text{l} & \text{h}+\text{k} & \text{i}+\text{j} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{s} & \text{b}+\text{r} & \text{c}+\text{q} & \text{d}+\text{p} & \text{e}+\text{o} & \text{f}+\text{n} & \text{g}+\text{m} & \text{h}+\text{l} & \text{i}+\text{k} & \text{j} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{t} & \text{b}+\text{s} & \text{c}+\text{r} & \text{d}+\text{q} & \text{e}+\text{p} & \text{f}+\text{o} & \text{g}+\text{n} & \text{h}+\text{m} & \text{i}+\text{l} & \text{j}+\text{k} & \text{} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{u} & \text{b}+\text{t} & \text{c}+\text{s} & \text{d}+\text{r} & \text{e}+\text{q} & \text{f}+\text{p} & \text{g}+\text{o} & \text{h}+\text{n} & \text{i}+\text{m} & \text{j}+\text{l} & \text{k} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{v} & \text{b}+\text{u} & \text{c}+\text{t} & \text{d}+\text{s} & \text{e}+\text{r} & \text{f}+\text{q} & \text{g}+\text{p} & \text{h}+\text{o} & \text{i}+\text{n} & \text{j}+\text{m} & \text{k}+\text{l} & \text{} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{w} & \text{b}+\text{v} & \text{c}+\text{u} & \text{d}+\text{t} & \text{e}+\text{s} & \text{f}+\text{r} & \text{g}+\text{q} & \text{h}+\text{p} & \text{i}+\text{o} & \text{j}+\text{n} & \text{k}+\text{m} & \text{l} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{x} & \text{b}+\text{w} & \text{c}+\text{v} & \text{d}+\text{u} & \text{e}+\text{t} & \text{f}+\text{s} & \text{g}+\text{r} & \text{h}+\text{q} & \text{i}+\text{p} & \text{j}+\text{o} & \text{k}+\text{n} & \text{l}+\text{m} & \text{} \\ \text{a}+\text{y} & \text{b}+\text{x} & \text{c}+\text{w} & \text{d}+\text{v} & \text{e}+\text{u} & \text{f}+\text{t} & \text{g}+\text{s} & \text{h}+\text{r} & \text{i}+\text{q} & \text{j}+\text{p} & \text{k}+\text{o} & \text{l}+\text{n} & \text{m} \\ \text{a}+\text{z} & \text{b}+\text{y} & \text{c}+\text{x} & \text{d}+\text{w} & \text{e}+\text{v} & \text{f}+\text{u} & \text{g}+\text{t} & \text{h}+\text{s} & \text{i}+\text{r} & \text{j}+\text{q} & \text{k}+\text{p} & \text{l}+\text{o} & \text{m}+\text{n} \\ \end{array}


Using Table and Gather:

F[list_] := Module[{l, pl, dpl, pt},
    l = Length @ list;
    pl = Function[
                Table[(Part[#, i] + Part[#, -i]) / 2,
                        {i, Length @ #}
    dpl = Map[Greater[#, 2] &, Map[Length, pl]];
    pt = Catenate[Map[Partition[#, 2, 1] &, pl]];
                And[SameQ[DuplicateFreeQ[list], True],
                    SameQ[FreeQ[dpl, True], True]
                And[SameQ[DuplicateFreeQ[list], False],
                    SameQ[FreeQ[dpl, True], True]
                Map[Total, pl],
            And[SameQ[DuplicateFreeQ[list], False],
                SameQ[FreeQ[dpl, True], False]
                    {Map[Total, Most @ pt], Function[Total[# / 2]][Last @ pt]}


l1 = {a};
l2 = {a, b};
l3 = {a, b, c};
l4 = {a, b, c, d};
l5 = {a, b, c, d, e};
l6 = {a, b, c, d, e, f};
l7 = {a, b, c, d, e, f, g};
l8 = {a, b, c, c, b, a};
l9 = {a, 0, 0, 0, 0};(*An example suggested by Syed*)
l10 = {a, b, b, b, b};

F /@ {l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, l8, l9, l10} // Column

enter image description here

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Please call the second function with a different name. It is easier to check without getting Tag is Protected... errors. Use {a, b, c, c, b, a} as a test case. The result should be {2a, 2b, 2c}. $\endgroup$
    – Syed
    Commented Sep 12, 2023 at 3:47
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Thanks mate! With the new function, I already obtain the correct results :-) $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 12, 2023 at 4:09
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Please use {a, 0, 0, 0, 0} as a test case. $\endgroup$
    – Syed
    Commented Sep 12, 2023 at 4:18
  • $\begingroup$ It's not as pretty anymore, but it works :-) $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 12, 2023 at 5:16

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